Chapter 8 - Alex

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Song: Island In The Sun - Weezer

I know we've already established that I'm a nerd. I mean, I have A's in most of my classes and I say most because there is one class subject I swear I will never be good at.

"Señor Alex, preste atención por favor!" Señora Raquel, my Spanish teacher, snaps at me pushing me out of my thoughts.

What the heck is she saying?

"Um, s-si?" I answer confused.

Señora Raquel simply shakes her head in disapproval causing the students around us to laugh at me.

"She's telling you to pay attention." Someone whispers beside me. Dexter Cornwall, the Top Nerd of the school.

What? You thought I was the nerdiest? Well you thought wrong. I am a nerd but the title of Top Nerd belongs to Dexter Cornwall for sure.

He has straight A's in every subject and participates in extracurriculares making him the smartest in school.

I'm considered a nerd just for having A's in everything. Everything but freaking Spanish.

"I knew that." I mumble back to Dexter causing him to make a yeah right kinda face.

The class goes on with me being confused throughout.

"Alexander Pierce, please stay for a moment." Señora Raquel says to me as she dismisses the rest of the class.

Great, she used my whole name. This can't be good.

I wait until everyone is out of the classroom to approach her desk.

"Alex, why are you in this class?" She asks once I stand in front of her.

"Sorry?" I question unsure of how to respond.

"Why are you taking this class? You are a very smart kid but this class is making your GPA drop. Why didn't you take another language? Isn't there one you're good at?"

"There isn't actually." Who does she think I am? Some kind of genius? Being smart doesn't automatically make me good at a language. I took Spanish thinking it would be easy, but I was so wrong. My brain only works in English, that's why I'm good at all my other classes.

"I've been thinking very hard on how to help you Alex and I have come to the decision that you must have a tutor for this class." What?

"What?!" I exclaim. A tutor? Oh god no, this can't be happening. I can't believe I need a tutor. All my life I've tried to score the best I can in every subject and I've been able to, until now. Needing a tutor makes me feel like I have failed.

"Don't sound so surprised Alex. You have one of the lowest grades in the class. Hopefully having a tutor will help you improve. This isn't the end of the world." It is to me.

"Is Dexter who you chose to tutor me?" I question since, like I said before, he's the smartest student.

"Actually, no. I was thinking of him at first but he has way to many extracirculars so he has no time. I've assigned you someone else. She actually has a perfect score in this class. And I thought I told her to stay after the lesson today but I guess she forgot." Señora Raquel says looking around the classroom.


"Señora Raquel, quería verme?-" I hear her voice get cut off once she enters and sees me.

"Ah! There you are." Señora Raquel claps.

No. Freaking. Way.

"Oh hell no."

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