Damian x reader Chicken soup

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(C/C)=Computer of choice
(F/M)=Favorite Movie

     You closed your eye leaning back in your chair it was official you where the new Tim. You had over worked your self and now you had a cold. You grab your bottle of water and take a sip. Before going back to work on you (C/C).

      "(Y/N) It's almost two are you coming out of your room any time to day" Damian knocked on the door. You feel your head pounding with every knock.

       "Yeah I'm coming"  you try your best not to sound sick.

        "Are you ok?"Your about to replie but you feel disy. Some one open the door you start to fall back a pair of strong arms wrape around your waste as the world went dark.

         "(Y/N)?" You opened your eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the light. Your rubb your aching forehead.

         "Daimain?" You look up to see his worried face"What happened?"

          "I walked in your room and you passed out" he said gently stroking his hand in you sweat covered hair."How do you feel?"

          "Fine" you lied forcing a fake smile. Damian rolled his eyes before picking you up.

           "We need to talk about your lying problem beloved" he cares you to the couch.

          "No I need to finish my work" you wine as he lays you down.

           "Gotham won't fall apart if you take a sick day" he says making  sure you can't get to a computer.

            "Daimain give me my (C/C) now!!!" you yell in a hoarse voice.

            "Awwww you don't know how cute you are when your mad" you stick out your tongue.You tap on the tables feeling the uncontrollable urge to type.

            "Are you take attitude lessons from Grayson?" earning a bit of a chuckle as he wraps you in your favorite warm blanket.

            "Here take this" he gives you some bitter medicine and water to wash it down.

             "Uhg that stuff is gross" Damian gathers the stuff before walking off to the kitchen.

             "I'll cook you some chicken soup" you suddenly feel the emptiness in your belly when was the last time you ate something?

              "Thank you" you turn on the TV and watch a little before drifting off.
           "Beloved wake you" you slowly open your eyes the smell of chicken soup floods the room.

          "It smells really good" Damian helps you sit up. He gives you a bowl you scarf it down stopping only once to breath.

           "Geez don't eat the bowl" Daimain watched in amusement as you slurped down the rest.

           "Thank you" you say handing him the now empty bowl.

           "Your welcome" he takes the bowl in the kitchen and watched dish. "Want to watch a movie?"

            "Yes"you save softly as you cover your self back up in your banket.
           "Pixels or (F/M)?" Damian ask holding both of them.

           "(F/M)" He puts the movie in and sits next to you. You black out about half way through the movie your head in Damian's lap as he watches the movie. Your fever got worse.

            "Beloved?" Damian looked down to see you broke into a cold sweat. He placed his hand on top of your head your burning up "Alfred!"

            "Yes master Damian?" The Butler dropped the tray he was holding when he saw you should bring and coughing.

           "(Y/N) has a bad fever" Alfred nodded Damian picked you up a carried you the the cave (because there's a hospital bed down there).

           "Give her that IV she'll need some fluids" Damian obeys. You drowsily open your eyes.

           "Daimain?" You felt his hand tighten around yours.

            "Did you have to scare me two times in one day (N/N)?" He chuckles planting a kiss on your cheek " If your dad knew that I let you work yourself so hard he would have my head if my family didn't kill me frist"

           "I love you nerd" you smile hugging him "I promise to take better care of my self"

           "Good" he places a kiss on your cheek "because if not I'll get Alfred on you.( Jason:Shaking//Me:Hides behind Tim//Tim: "why are you throwing me under the bus?!")

           "Ok" you noded you look over to see Batman and others dressed up in their costumes your heart dropped.

           "Father" Damian runs off to talk to Bruce coming back a few minutes later not dressed in his Robin costume.

           "Aren't you going out on patrol?" Damian lays down next to you.

           "Nope tonight is just chicken soup and cuddles"he smiled pulling up closer

Extended Ending
           "Achoo!" Daimain sneezed sounding like a little kitten.

            "Awwww!" You giggle handing him some medicine "Your so cute"

           "No take it back (N/N)!" He gave you a glare you. You shake your head. "Okay you leave me no choice" He starts tickling you. You laugh uncontrollably untill Alfred walked in the room.

            "I though I told you two to rest!" You grabs Damian arm and run like there is no tomorrow because there won't be if Alferd catches you and how is he so fast he must be a hundred.

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