Tim x reader panic attack

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(In this story Jason never died also Tim never found out Bruce secret Identity and wasn't adopted by Bruce)

    You are (Y/N) Wayne Bruce Wayne's daughter. Your mother left you with your father when you were born so Bruce raised you. Dick was so happy when he frist met you he carried you everywhere never letting you out of his sight. Later Bruce brought home a older kid named Jason. Dick got jealous fast when you called Jason your big brother. You three grew up close as close can be all fighting crime togather. One day Bruce brought home a boy your age.

     "Guys this is Tim" poor Alfred looked as if he was going to faint. Jason glared while you and Dick smiled. "He's going to be staying here while his parents are away"

     "Hi I (Y/N)" you say shaking his hand "These are my older brother Jason and Dick"

     "Nice to meet you Timmy" Dick pulled him into a hug Jason huffed.

     "Awwww is Jaybird Jealous?" You hug Jason "Don't worry no one will replace you"

     "What about me?"Dick wined. Jason stuck his tongue out and hugged you. Jason later came to like having Tim around.You fall for him almost instantly. You guys had so much fun playing computer games and reading books. When ever the Drakes went on a trip they left Tim at the manor.

     You took off your (H/N) outfit and carefully hide it. You guys had to becarful with Tim around becase he was pretty smart. You walk up stair in you PJ's when you hear a lound noise.

     "Bump" you ran up stairs and saw Tim in the middle of a panic attack you pulled his head in your lap.

     "Tim breath in and out" Tim slowly started to breath normally. "are You okay?"

     "Yes" he said horsley. "I'm sorry for waking you"

     "It's fine" you give him a hug "Your not the only one who has them"

     "Really?" You nod pausing for a moment you take a deep breath.

     "I use to have bad panic attacks too" you smiled "I manage to get over them"

     "How?" The reason why you no longer have panic attacks is you going out ever night using groveling hook to fly throw the air, fighting bad guys, helping people, being (H/N).

     "I had family to help me" you hug him "and you have me"Tim smiles. You two grew very close you helped him with his problems.

     "(H/N) Robin do you see any sign of scare crow?" Bruce calls over the intercom.

      "No sir it's just us" you reply. You suddenly hear a noise coming from a alley.

     "Robin I found him" you point to the alley "you go left and get the thugs I go right and take down scarecrow"

     "Okay baby bat" you roll your eyes at the nick name. You jump down throw/shooting your (w/o/c) At scare crow.

     "Hello young bat" he turns to face you.

     "Hi" you lunch yourself at him. Scarecrow ducks you dig your (W/O/C) into his shoulder keeping you from crashing into the wall.

     "What?" He snaps as you land on your feet he turned to face you

     "What's wrong crane?" You smirked "realised your worst fear was in front of you the whole time" you go to attack him again but tripping over shovel someone left out.

     "lets see what your worst fear is " You shrieked as to cold needle pricked your neck.

     "Get away!" you rolling your back you see your legs to kick him in the chest.

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