Dick x reader not like I like you

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      Any girl would kill to be you. You caught the eye of a certain acrobat at your school, Dick Grayson. However you wish he'd leave you alone.You had your heart broken once and are not letting it happen again. Besides the guy was a big flirt.

      "Hey (Y/N)!!!!" Dick waved his hand chasing after you "want to catch a movie?"

      "No I'm busy" you say coldly walking over to your best friend Jason's locker.

      "He likes you" Jason smirks making you glare

      "I don't care" you scoff "come on we have to work on a case"

Timeskip at Jason&your apartment
      The phone rang while you were on the computer.

      "Hello" you answer the phone. Look at the caller ID it was Bruce. "What's up B?"

      "I need your and Jason's help on a case" you node then facepalm when you realize he can't see you.

      "Of course" You turn around to look for Jason he layed lazily on the couch "I'll see if I can remove him from the couch" you laugh and hang up.

      "What did he want?" Jason asked opening one eye.

      "He needs our help with something" you said your drive while Jason cleans his gun

      "Hey Bruce" you smile walking into the cave.

      "Hi (Y/N)" Bruce gives you a small smile.

      "HEY (Y/N)!!!!" Dick yelled running to you trying to tackle pounce you into a hug.

      "Hello Mr. Grayson" you say stepping to the side so he falls to the ground in stead earning a 'tt' from Damian.

      "(Y/N), I  want you and Dick patrol black mask territory Jason I need you to find and not kill Two face". Jason was already out the door.

      "Not making any promises" He yelled back as Bruce just shook his head.

      "Ok" you say ready to kill Bruce.

      "Great!" Dick smiles.

Time skip
      You stood on a roof top waiting for Dick aka Nightwing to get back with coffee. You start sing your favourite song.

      "I'm back" Dick lands next to you causing you to almost have a heart attack.

      "Ok" you say really hoping that he didn't hear you sing.

      "Hey your really good" Dick smiles. You blush and turn away.

      "Whatever" you mutter hoping that he didn't see you blush.

      "Hey look done there" you see moment in the alley. You pull out your weapon when you see it's just a box with two kittens in it.

      "Awww" you say scooping one up "what at you cute little guys doing out here.

      "You remind me of a cat" he smile pick up one of the kittens.

      "How am I like a cat?" You stare at him puzzled.

      "Cats are cute!" You feel your heart beat speed up.

      "Go away"You storm off with kitten in arm. Dick chased after you.

      "Can we get alone?" you shake your head. "Your so headstrong" you speed up.

      "There's no way go away so long" you growl jumping on another roof top.

      "Hello darling" you turn to see non other then you ex (ex/n) the kitten jumps running away.

    "What do you want?" you snap he smirks. You keep asking yourself why this sicko wouldn't leave you be.

      "Funny never thought you as the kind that would hold a grug" images of chains flash in your mind.

      "It's easy when you boyfriend hands you over to the joker as if I were a gift" your blood startes to boil "I still have the scar from your sword" you remember the pain and the overwhelming smell of mud and blood.

      "Oh is that so" he smirks " did it more hurt when I stabbed you or when I broke your leg?"

Flash back
      You suit up in your hero costume and climb up to the roof.

      "Hey love" (ex/n) smiles at you. You take his hand trusting him."I have some thing to show you" next thing you know you laying on the ground choking on your own blood.

       "Sorry lovely" you vision startes to blur "but I want to send a message hoodie and the rest of the bats"  Joker points a gun to your head you black out.

End of flash back

      "That's enough" Dick jumps in front of you "leave her alone!"

"Oh so your going to protect her circus freak?" Dick glared at him.

       "At least I am a circus freak with a soul" you watch as Dick pushes your ex away.

      "Fine I don't care" he walks away. You  feel your legs weaken and you start to fall.

      "I gotcha" Dick pulls you in to a hug setting down. He see you gasping for breath and realizes you're having a panic attack. "(Y/N) look at me breath in out in out" you feel dizy but obey struggle tell you finally matched his speed.

       "I so sorry" you cry hugging Dick as if he would disappear.

       "It's okay" He rubs your back " I'm here"

     "The truth is I love you too" you say "but I'm afraid of letting people in because they turn on me" you turn ready for him  to laugh like a clown but instead he hugs you.

    "I'd never do that to you" you feel full of joy and hope.

    "Hey do you want to catch a move?" You give him a small smile he smiled back at you.

    "Of course my princess" he carried you bridle style.

Extended Ending
      "I want a hug" Dick complained.

        "No you'll get me all messy" you said pointing mud stained Nightwing coustume.

         "But..." He gave you the saddest puppy face of your life.

        "No!" You say hoping this would end soon "I have a meeting" you walk outside and got splashed by a on coming truck covering you in mud.

       "Have fun at your meeting"Dick smirked hugging you.

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