Tim x reader Flowers and blood

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     "(Y/N)" You smiled as your best friend Tim Drake walked over to you.

     "Hey Tim" you greeted him with a cheerful smile.

     "What's up?" He flashed you that one of a kind smile.

     "Nothing much" you say putting you books in your locker.

     "Want to come to the manor for a study session" he smiles.

     "Sure" you smile in return. He was quickly walks over to his locker. You felt your cheeks turn bright red as you smile.

     "You like him don't you"Jason smirked behind you. For one of your closest friends he could be a huge pain.

     "What?!! NO!"You turn to see he is holding up a poster with you and Tim's names in a heart. You quickly tear it up.

     "Okay" Jason smirked. You both walk over to Tim's locker to see he is talking to some blonde girl. You felt you're a pain in your chest. Tim runs over to you.

     "Ready to go?"you node and quickly walk to the manner.

     "I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom"you tell Tim. When you get to the bathroom you break into a coughing fit. Flower petals? You stare at the blood covered petals in your hand. That's strange.

     "Hey (Y/N) are you okay?" You study the petals a bit more before throwing them away.

     "Yes" you quickly ran down stairs forgetting about the petals.

Time skip
     You sat in the waiting room nervously. You have been coughing up petals for a week and had no Idea were they were coming from. You went to worried untill

     "Miss (L/N) I'll see you now' you walk into his office. He explains to you  that you have Hanahki Disease and the only way to save you was to remove the petals but you would never feel love again.

     "Do you want the surgery?" Hanahaki Disease it was supose to ne a myth.You closed your eyes a took a huge breath.

     "No" you couldn't afford it and if you can't feel then is it really living? You walk out doing you best not to cry.

     "(N/N) what did the doc say?" You turn to Jason putting on your best smile.

     "It's just a cold" Jason sighs with releaf and opens the car. You felt bad for lying but Jason was like a brother to you and telling him was to hard.

Time skip
     It has now been a month since you went to the doctor. You managed to keep your condition a secret you which was really hard since you and Jason shared an apartment. You surrounded your room with plants to explain the petals everywhere and stayed by yourself most of the day except for Patrol.

     "Hey tim" you smile as you open the door. Suddenly realizing you had coughed up a couple pedals in the middle of the living room.

     "(Y/N) where did the petals come from?" Tim ask looking at the ground.

     "Oh one of my friends knocked over my flowers" you roll your eyes trying to make it believable. Quickly grab a bag and throw them in holding he did not notice the blood.

     "Okay" Tim smiled as he grabs the tablet off your couch. "The Titans are going out for pizza want to come?"

     "Nah I'm busy working on a case" you grabbed a few pappers setting on the coffee table.

     "Come on you never go out any more unless it's a mission!" You could hear the worry in his voice.

     "I'm busy" you say trying to remain calm

     "You're always busy it's like you're trying to push everyone away" the hurt in his voice make you flinch.

     "Maybe I'm just tired of be stuck with a bunch of funny little kids!" You snap. Tim's eyes widen in shock

     "I'm sorry for caring I'll  leave you alone!" He storms out of the room when he's gone you fall on your knees and sob loudly. Later that night you two made up but you still felt awful.

Time skip (Jason:that's just lazy writing//Dick:hits him)
     Tim final got a house and your helping him move his stuff in.

     "Thanks for helping me with this" you smile softly.
     "Your welcome" you say grabbing another box off the truck. You start to feel petal in your throat. "Where's the bathroom"

     "Down the hall on the right" Tim pionts to a wood door

     "Thanks you say walking" to the bathroom you certainly fall to your knees emptying a flood of petals into the tub. After a hour there's a soft knock on the door.

     "(Y/N)?" There's no reply Tim slowly opens the door to find you laying on the ground covered in blood and petals.

     "Tim..." Tim picks you up and takes off you blood stain coat then gently leads you on the couch handing you a glass of water. After you take a few sip Tim looks you in the eyes with a serious face.

     "What was that?" Tim asked clearly worried.

     "I have Hanahki Disease it is caused by unreturned love" you look at him sadly

     "What why didn't you tell me?!!" Tim shouts angrily.

     "I'm sorry" you manage to choke out. You start to feel dizzy throwing up  more petals. Tim's face softens.

     "It's okay"Tim grabs you in his arms wrapping his coat around you. He laid you gently in the passenger seat of his car. "(Y/N) You need to stay a wake"

    "Ok" but you couldn't keep your eyes open the world around you was going black. When you get to the hospital Tim carries you in yell for help a nurse lays you on a bed and rushes you in to the er. You were in surgery for six hours.

     "I'm sorry she's dying the only thing we managed to do was give her a few more days" Tim sat by your bed side not saying a word. He put he's face in his hands how? You are his best friend how could he not have known.

Time skip
     For two weeks Tim stayed by your bed side. Jason had to be locked in the bat cave out of fear he may hurt some one or himself. The entire family came bring you cards and flowers. Ever day you felt closer to death Tim will you have a few over and over to tell him who you were in love with but you never would you didn't want him to feel like this was his fault.

     Today was the day you could feel it in your bones. You begged Tim to leave you didn't want him to see it. Tim refused.

     "Tim I'm sorry" you close your eyes. You were just so tired of fighting this.

     "What?" Tim looked up to see your breath turn in to uneven rasps.

"Please no" Tim grabs you  by the shoulders  call for a doctor but no one comes. (Because they were all buzy).

     "Sor..." you felt your body go limp as peddle flood your mouth.

     "Please no I need you I love you!!!" Tim buried his face into your stomach so sobbing loudly. Suddenly the buzzing disappeared.

     "I love you to" Tim looked up with tearfully eyes and kissed you. You both smile at each other. "also please burn those quit well flowers" there is only two things you could think of  you really want to and you really hate flowers.

Extended ended-
     "This is a terrible idea" you says as both Jason and Tim sets off a firework in the bat cave.

     "I'm telling you there is more than enoughroom" Dick says as he lights one.

     "It was nice knowing  you" you jump in the car. The fire works went off needless to say the roof was not high enough.

     "what" Bruce walk in to see a large piece of the batcomputer destroyed.

     "It was Dicks Idea" both Damian and Jason yell. In point one millisecond Bruce turned in to batman.

     "Who's going to pay?" You all ran. Only you and Tim got away. Jason trips dick but only get about five feet away before triping over a cat. Damian ran back to yelling Jason for tripping over the cat.

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