Damian x reader Kidnapped

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     You were on your way to the batcave from patrol when you heard foot steps behind you. You turn to see none other than the scarecrow.

     "What do we have here?" He smirks "No batman or Robin to protect you"

     "I don't need protecting" You say "I am (Y/H/N)"

     "Oh is that so" some one calls behind you you turn to see poison Ivy.

     "What should we do with her red?" Harley jumps out of the shadows.

     "How about you ask what I'm going to do to you" you growl.

     "Awww she is so cute when she is mad" you turn to see you ex boyfriend (Y/E/B) You growl.

     "What do you want?" a dart hit your back cause the world to go black last thing you heard was a evil laugh.

-At batcave Damian's point of view
     Where is she? She was suppose to be back from portal 20 minutes and 45 seconds ago. To make matters wores Grayson won't shut up he found a old lionking tape at good will and I don't thank I can handle another round of I just can't wait to be King.

     "So demon where's you girlfriend?" Todd ask.

     "Damian has a girlfriend?"Drake gasp

     ''(Y/N) is not my girlfriend" I snap giving each of them a death glare Todd burst out laughing.

     "Than why do you call her by her name?"Grayson ask

     "And why are you blushing" Drake smirks I hate him so much.

     "Because I like her name and I'm not blushing it is hot in here" I say trying to keep a steady voice who am I fooling I have been in love with her since we met I love her (E/C) eyes that sprinkle like the glitter and her rich (h/c) hair I start day dreaming about her smiling at me.

     "Earth to little D" Grayson waves his hand in front of me I hit it really hard "oww what was that for" he screams.

     "Keep your hands out of my face" I growl Father walks in staring at a piece of paper in horror.

     "Hey B what wrong?" Grayson ask.

     "It's (Y/N) she has been kidnapped" Father says handing him the paper.

     "WHAT?!" I shout. I put on my Robin suit and grab the piece of paper out of Grayson hand.  It says to meet scarecrow at the abandoned house number 24 oak street.

      "Where are you going?" Father ask looking puzzled.

      "To save (Y/N)" I snap making a run for it I am on my way beloved.

-No one's point of view
     The other change into there outfits and follow behind Damien. Damian's brothers were each wearing a smirk.

     "I bet you fiveteen bucks he kisses her"Nightwing says.

     "I bet you twenty she kisses him"Red hood smirks.

     "Your on" yells Nightwing jump on to the next roof.

     Robin ran as fast as he could across the roof top he wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

- Your point of view
     I wake up slowly and start look around where am I? I swear if this is another one of Jason's pranks... I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sickening laugh.

    "Joker?" I try to see where the clown is standing.
     "Sorry but my pudding couldn't make it" Harley says walking out of the shadows.
     "Where am I?!"I am starting to panic.
     "All in good time but right now we are waiting to trapp a bird" scarecrow answered.
     "And after we clip his wings" my exboyfriend starts "We will see how lovely you're insides are"
     "Don't lay a finger on him" I growl glaring directly at him no one messes with the guy I love.
     "I'll have fun ripping both of you apart" he goes to punch my face I bite down hard on his hand till blood starts spilling out I smirk. "You little brat!"
     "You need her alive till bat and the bat brats get here" scarecrow warns my smirk grows bigger.
     "where's your little flower?" I asked
     "Red's outside keeping guard" Harley answers. I hear a loud noise outside.
     "Sounds to me like there's no one keeping guard now" knowing that the others were here and had just knocked out Ivy. My exboyfriend grabs a knife holding it close to my neck.
     "Any last words?" I closed my eyes waiting but the pain never I open my eyes to see Damien standing over a very horrified and badly beaten up (Y/E/B).
     "Are you ok beloved?" I blush realizing he just called me beloved.

-No point of view
     Damian realizes he called you beloved and blushes deep red
     "Sor-" but he was cut off by you pressing your lips against his
     "I love you too" you say with a giant smile he picked you up and carried you back to the manor

-Extended Ending
     Redhood and Nightwing  stand on the roof.
     "Hand over the money" Red hood smiles under his hood.
     "Fine I am never betting again" Nightwing grumbles.
     "Thirty bucks says you do"Redhood yells.
     "Fifty says I don't" Nightwing yells back.Redrobin facepalms.

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