Dick x reader say something

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      "See you when I get back" you smiled giving your boyfriend a hug.

     "Just becarful" Dick pulled you closer giving you a kiss on the foreheads.

     "I will" you promised "I'll make sure to text you after the mission bye love you"You hopped in your car and drive off.

A day later Your P.O.V
     I rush in the building my (w/o/c) in hand to day was the last day soon I would be home cuddle up on the couch with the guys. We'd all watch (F/M) Damian would lay on th floor and complain at frist but soon he wouldn't look away even for Titus. Tim would try his best to keep Damian from taking all the blankets but fail. Jason would take everones food but mine. And Dick would whisper "I love you" over and over.

       "Look who we have here" I was snapped out my thoughts

       "Hello" I look at the scar covering the man eye it is a purplish black color.

       "Oh don't  be like that my dear" he circles around you.

      "And you are?" I watch him pose.

      "Scar" I roll my eyes "but soon I will be known as the one that killed (H/N)" I launched my self at him but he disappears.

      "What?" I look up to see a clock. No No it can't be this was all a trap. I close my eyes 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ...

Time skip Dick P.O.V.
      "Dick I need to talk to you" I look up to see Bruce. I get of the couch laying a blanket on Tim and Daimain.

      "(F/M)?" Bruce looked at the TV curiously but there also was a sad tone in his voice.

     "Yeah it's  (Y/N)'s favourite" I smile happily remembering the first time she watched it with me she was almost glued to the tv.

     "Dick there's something I have to tell you" Bruce looked away.

     "What has Damian done this time" I chuckle until I see his face.

     "Sit down" I do he turns his head to me "At 3am (Y/N) walked into to a trap..." my eye widen.

     "What happened?" I jump up grabbing him by his collar "Where is she?!"

     "Dick she died" I shake my head tears pouring down "a bomb explode it left behind nothing".

     "No your lying" I back away slowly "This i s all a sick joke!"

      "She's not coming back" I run out of the manor. Pulling out my phone I dial (Y/N) it goes to voicemail.

      "Hey bab it's Dick B is making up this crazy story about you being dead and I just need to hear you" my words started to slur together "Please say something I need you"

     "She's not going to answer" I turn around to see Wally "I searched everywhere all I found was blood and bits of flesh"

     "No" I fell to my knees burying my face in my hands of all people why her. Wally walked me back to the manor apologizing over and over but I didn't pay attention how could I. I lost my whole world.

    "I'll tell the others" I node as Wally zooms off. Images of her flash in my head.

Flash back
    "Nice to meet you I (H/N) but you can call me (Y/N)" you smile.

   "I'm Nightwing but you can call me Dick this is my brothers Jason" He smiles kissing your hand.
End of flash back

      I walk in to see Damian and Tim laying on the floor

Flash back
    "(Y/N) This is Tim" your eyes brightened for the first Time after Jason death.

      "Hi I'm (Y/N)" you pull Tim in a hug  who was a little skeptical at frist but soon won ever by your cheerful personality (and $400 dallors worth of candy)

Another flash back
      "Awwwww this is the little demon" you pull Damian in a bone crushing hug.

      "Grayson who is this?" Damian struggles to get out of the hug.

      "Your further sister in law" you say  "and you can give up not even Bruce can get out of my hugs"

End of flash back
       I smile at the bitter sweet memories. My brothers all see (Y/N) as a sister and best freind how do I tell them when I'm broken my self. I wish she was here she could always help them

Flash back
(Jason:"really another one!!"//Me:"shut up younger Bruce!"//Jason:cries "Dick she is being mean!")
      "Jason we are here to help you" Bruce calls.

       "No you replaced me!" Jason held the gun pointed at where Bruce is hiding. You run through the line of fire knocking down the gun and pulling him in a hug.

       "Jay no one replaced you" you hug him tighter "we all missed you please come home me and Dick will make sure that clown never lays a hand on you again". Jason lost all hostility and hugged you.

End of flash back

     "Good evening" Damian greeted me. Tim slowly move till he was sitting up.

     "Where is Jason?" I turn to Damian.

     "Arkham if we are luck" Tim hit Damian in the head with a news paper.

      "In his room" I node thanks to Tim and walk up stairs.

       "Jay" he opens door "come down stair" I walk back pausing in front of (Y/N)'s room before rushing down stairs.

     "What you need" they all gathered around me.

     "Guys (Y/N) is dead" Tim curls up in a ball rocking back cry Damian hugged Jason crying on him.

      "Dick that's not something to joke about"Jason glares at me.

       "I'm not" I'm suprised when Jason hugs me tears dripping down his cheek.

       "I'm sorry" I hug him (Tim:"ever one gets a hug but me//Me:"not the time!")

Time skip
        I can't sleep I look at my phone begging for a text from her to text I sit up pulling my knees laying my head on them.

      "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you" a trear runs down my cheek "Say something I'm giving up on".

       Today was the funeral. Everone came. I can't close my eyes ever time I do I see her alone. We held her funeral in the meadow where I frist kissed her.

Flash back
      "I love you" Dick pulls you close. You where in a white dress.

       "I love you too" Dick lifted your head giving you a sweet kiss.

End of flash back
       I walk to get grave when it's all over. I pull out the ring I was going to propose to her placing it on her grave. Tears running down my face. I look at my phone no text.

"Say something I'm giving up on you"

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