Robin (Dick Grayson) x reader behind the mask

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     "That is by far the stupidest idea I have ever heard" You look at your best friend dick Grayson

     "Come on (Y/N)" he flashed you that one of a kind smile. Handing you a stack of papers.

     "No we are not filling the school pool with milk and cereal"  you say going throws you papers. You never would have joined student council if he hadn't pushed you in to it. Now you loved it.

     "But we could charge six bucks for a spoon" you shock your head.

     "What ever see you later" you walk home and empty your book bag on the table "time for home work" you study for an entire 10 seconds before falling asleep.

     "Ring ring" you open your eyes to see it is four oclock the next day.

     "DANG IT!!!!!" You are now four hours late four meeting at meating Mount Justice. "Uhg" you through you costume and weapons in a bag "I'll just change when I get there"

     You rember there is a short cut to one of the boom tubes in crime ally so being to genius you are you walk down crime ally with your weapons in your bag.

     "Look what we got here" a guy grabs your arm.

     "Hey let me go!" You start kicking and punching when you realize your  bag is missing turn to say one of the guys holding it.

     "well looky what we got here side kick" you heard familiar laughter from the shadows. Looks thing you know the boy wonder is knocking.

     "Looks like someone overslept" Robin said helping you on to the roof.

     "So" even though you couldn't see him you knew he was smirking.

     For the next few months you tried and failed repeatedly to find out Robin secret identity

The first Attempt
     You stood silently behind the door waiting for robin to jumped on his back grabbing his sunglasses.

     "What?!" You stared in shock under his glasses were more glasses. You keep grabbing glasses off of his head untill you got to forty. "Oh I give up.

Attempt forty-two
    "Wlep see ever one later" robin grabs his coat. You wait a few minutes before carefully fall in behind. After A while you see him walk in an abandoned building I'm starting to take off his mask 'This is it!!!'

     "I know you're there" (Y/N) his skin starts to turn green.

     "Megan!" You feel your blood boild 'Why that little'.

     "Sorry (Y/N) but me and robin made a deal" you start to storm off huffing and puffing
The next day
     "What's wrong?" Your boyfriend asked sitting next to you.

     "Nothing" you sigh "just one of my teammates is driving me crazy"

     "How about I show you this flip I've been working on?" He suggested.

A week later
     You at the computer typing while robin practiced some moves on the training  mat. You stop you work for a minute to watch him. 'Those moves look so familiar...'

     "Dick!!!!!!!!!!!!" You want to smack yourself in the head.

     "Ok you caught me" he smiled.

Extended ending
     "You didn't" you sigh looking at what use to be the mountain  training pool now the worlds largest cereal bowl.

     "It's great" Dick smiled swimming in the cerealed. You look to see everyone staring.

     "Oh what the heck" you jump in.

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