Jason x reader time of dying

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'=mind link

        '(Y/N) and Robin you'll be going in throw the air vent' Dick says (in Nightwing coustume) 'be careful'

        'We're the youngest not the clumsyest ' Jason rolled his eyes.

        'Remind me why we made the brat apart of the team?'

       'Conner! Don't you dare call Jason a brat!' Megan glares

       'What ever' Conner rolls eyes

       'You know I can hear you right?!' Jason hissed

       'Then you can hear me say that Night wing was a way better Robin then you, Your just a batman want to be'.

         'At least my mentor knows I'm alive when was the last time superman talked to you?'

         'Batman only talks to you to point out your mistakes'

        "You think they'd be freinds as alike as they are" you whisper to Wally who just nods.

       'GUYS FOCUS ON THE MISSION!!!' Nightwing Telepathically screams making everyone for their hands on their head as if they had a headache which in actuality they all did.

One hour later
        You crawl behind Jason in the air vent. Jason turned to you.

      "I know this is probably the worst time but if I don't get this off my chest I will go crazy" Jason smiles "(Y/N) will you go out with me" you blush deep red.

       "Of course" you kiss Jason on the cheek now it was his turn to blush.

       "We better get going before Nightwing kicks both our buts" you node and follow him.

       "So when's our first date going to be?" You ask

      "After the mission let's ditch the team and go get Ice cream" you smile and node. Both of you crawl out the air vent and made your way toward the control room.

       "Ok" Jason started to hack into the computer.

       'Nightwing the alarms are cut off you guys can come in now' you say telepathically.

        'Ok let's go team' the whole team makes it inside and start looking for the Joker.You hear a laugh then turn to see the Joker pointing at you. He pulls the trigger. You close your eyes and open them to see Jason in front of you falling to the ground.

        "ROBIN!!!" You jump down next to him. He was bleeding heavily. Dick and the rest of the team run over to you. Joker disappears.

       "(H/N) see if you can stop the bleeding!" Dick yells. You can tell he is freaking out ,you put you hand over the wound.

       "(N/N) are you ok?" Jason voice is weak.

       "Yes Jason I'm fine you saved me"  ya tear rolls down your cheek.

       "Good" Jason smiles at you blood running down his mouth "If you got hurt I'd never forgive myself" his eyes start to close.

        "Baby bird stay with us" Wally says shaking a little.

        "I sorry guy for being such a brat" Jason coughs.

        "Little wing you need to save your strength" Dick says on the edge of tears.

        "No I'm dying, I not going to make it this time " Jason laughs "I sorry I was never as good as you I was so glad to be part of this team"

       "Jason your were a better Robin than I ever was" Nightwing smiles.

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