Unfinished 1#

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Hello I stopped writing x readers but I have plenty of unfinished stories so I'm posted them for some one to use/ finish. You don't have to credit me or any thing I just want you to comment on this chapter so I can read when you finish it. You can chang it and end it however you want it.

Connor x reader How to save a life
Plot:this is kind of an Au one. Similar to the Match x reader. In this story The reader is a member of the batfamily. Connor and Match are basically brothers. One day they get in a bad fight and Connor says some harsh things. After the fight the reader trys to get Connor to talk to his brother, she tells him about how she regretted the last thing she told her brother (Jason todd). Connor assures her he will after the mission but everything goes wrong. Match dies saving Connor. The reader has to help pull him out of grief/ they bound over their scar. The story ends with Connor becoming a good brother for Jon

Extended Ending
Jason comes back but he's not the only one.

What I had written:
     You carfully look over the DVD self before selecting the first season of perfect strangers.

     "We haven't watched this yet" you call over to Connor. He moves over making room for you to sit as you put the movie in.

     "(Y/N) If this is another Romance movie I'm going to leave the mountian" he grumbles.

     "It's not" you giggle curling up with him. Midway through the first episode the rest of the team joins y'all. Wally sets on the table robin sets on the chair, Megan and Match set on the floor.

     "This is pretty funny" Megan says. Wally and Dick burst in to tears laughing.

  *Connor and match get in a Fight*

     "Connor you need to stop treating your brother like that" he rolled his eyes."I'm serious Connor if your not carefully you may not get make it right"

     "It's not like I'm about to die" You scold Connor "fine I'll apologize after the misson" Connor gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and runs off to his group.
     "Connor!!!!" You scream knowing it's to late. You watch in horror as the green bullet zooming towards your boyfreind.

     "Sorry (Y/N)" he smiled weekly "looks like I won't be able to help you clean the m-" he was cut off by a hard coughing fit.

     Connor had never felt so alone he started to push ever one away including you. He constantly blamed his self for Match's death.

     "What if I mess up again" Connor croaked softly.

     "Connor it was not your fault" you grab his hands and look him deep in the eyes.

     "But if I had just-" his eye were red and filled with fear and sorrow.

     "Connor no one could have seen it coming their was nothing any of us could do"

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