Damian x reader to all our wasted time

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Thanks so much to @Lovetoreadergirl for the plot I hope you injoy

Your piont of view
     I walked in the batcave singing (F/S). I'm looking for my best friend Damian. I stop at in front of the entrance to the manor.

     "(L/N) almost below the whole mission" What did he say "She is the most useless person in the world" I feel my hreat break in two "She is so stupid and annoying".

     "That's rude little Demon" I hear Tim scolded. "I though you and her where best freinds" Damian opens the door.

     "So I'm usless" I growl glare at Damian.

     "Yeah you are always getting yourself in trouble forcing me to waste my time freeing you" Damian scoffed.

"At lest I follow instructions and don't ever get in trouble with Bruce" I get my normal fighting position.

"You're just at some charity case father felt bad for you cuz you're useless parents were killed because they were stupid enough to walk down a dark alley" Damian says.

"How dare you talk about my parents especially since your own mother tried to kill you" I punch Damian in the hard chest trembling in anger and pain.

"At lest both of mine are alive" he hits me in the side causing me to collapse. That's it I can't take this any more of this.

"Shut up!!!!" I jump up throwing blind punches. I run to one of the manor's many bath rooms. I change in to my normal clothes leave my ripped up batgirl coustume on the floor.

"(Y/N)?" I hear Jason and Dick call but I just keep running out of the manor not stooping untill I reach my apartment. I start stuffing everthing I own in to bags when I hear a knock on the door.

"(Y/N) it's Tim" I open the door. I must have looked like a mess. Tim pulled me into a hug rubbing my back he has always been like a big brother to me. He carries me to my couch and lays my head in his lap softly stroking my hair."What's with the bags".

"I'm leaveing" I took a breath "I can't stay in Gotham anymore" (Jason: "real original"//Me:"SHUT UP").

"I'll drive you to the manor so you can say goodbye to Bruce and the others" I node. I don't want to go back but how can I leave with out telling Dick and Jason.

"Thanks for understanding" he nods and smiles putting my bags in his car.

No point of view
The whole ride was silent. The only sound was the tires screeching as you pulled into the driveway. You stepped  in the manor.

"(Y/N)!" Dick hug tackled you " you left without giving me a hug!" Dick wine's. You laugh at his childish behaviour.

"Sorry" you smile "Can I breath now?" You chuckle a little.

"Hey shorty" Jason walks up to you. You hug him making him smile."Why were you crying (N/N)?" You glare at Damian. Jason sees and gets ready to kill Damian while Dick holds him back.

"Alfred where is Bruce" you call.

"I believe he is in his study Ms.(Y/N)" You wave thanks and walk to Bruce's study.

"Oh hello (Y/N)" Bruce give you one of his rear smiles when he see your face it drop "What's wrong?" You look away.

"I'm leaving Gotham" you hold your breath ready to argue. Bruce sighs.

"I understand but if you need help we'll always be here for you" he pulls you in a hug "have you told the boys?"

"Tim knows"You turn to the door "I'll go tell the other two" you walk out to see Tim holding two bags. "What are you doing?"

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