Match x reader- save me

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     Match the full Kryptonian clone of superman, was freed from the light and joined the team. It was hard to tell Match from Superboy so you gave him cat ears Match wasn't to happy.
But going to the wrong one was worse they'd jump on you like their is no tomorrow neither one was good at handling anger. At first Match didn't want anything to do with his team mates but soon he and Conner bonded and he warmed up to you. You were there when he need to talk or hug. You have grown really close to the clone you had a huge crush on him. Today hadn't gone to good day during a mission Match had lost control nearly killing everone.

     "What were you thanking?!" Conner snapped.

     "I sorry it was a -"

     "A accident?" Conner growled cutting Match off.

     "I... I didn't mean to I know what I did was stupid" Match look at the ground.

     "Stupid that was way more than stupid"Conner growled

     "Conner..." you say softly trying to stop the argument.

     "No (Y/N)" Conner yells.

     "Don't yell at her" Match snaps glaring at Conner.

     "At least I didn't try to kill her" Conner growled making Match flinch "you're just a stupid malfunction" everyone stared at Connor and horror.

     "Whatever" Match snapped running down the hall to his room.

     "So not crash dude" Bart says.

     "Yeah Kon that was just plain evil" Megan glared.
   " How Could you call him a malfunction you know what they did to him cadmass how he gets so stressed out about being labeled as a malfunction by them!" You growl everone nods.

     "Maybe I was a little too rough" Conner's face softens "he's Kryptonian he'll get over it" everyone left to do their own thing Bart snacking behind the couch Robin coding something Nightwing flirting with Batgirl. You training with beast boy, Arsenal, and Blue Beetle. Megan making cookies while Lagoon boy keeps stealing them. Everyone stay busy till dinner.

     " I'm starved" said Bart stuffing a cupcake in his face.

     "Hey that's mine!" Blue beetle yells. You made Arsenal help you set the table wolf gives you the paper you kisse his muzzle.

     "Come on cutie don't I get a kiss" he closes his eyes puckers up his lips for a kiss. You punch him. Robin starts laughing.

     "Hey not cool" Arsenal glares at Robin. Of course. He wasn't the only one laughing the whole team was laughing.

     "Dinners ready Yells" Megan bringing out trays of food. You all sit in your seats. You notice that Match isn't there. This surprised you the Kryptonian almost never misses a meal. You see Conner look guiltily over at Match's plate.

-Your point of view
     "I'll go check on Match" I say walking towards his room "Match" I knock on the door no response "Match?" I knock a little louder still no response you open the door and see him laying on the ground blood everywhere and a green Stone next to him. I run to his side throwing the Kryptonite out the window. "Match!" I shake him he opens his eyes.

     "(Y/N)..." he whispers softly then his eyes close again.
   "No Match you need to keep your eyes open!" Tears running down my face I start to panic"Conner Bart Roy!!! Some one I need help!" I scream hold my hands over Match's cut in the chest.

    "What is it?" Bart runs in and sees Match he jumps down next to me helping to stop the bleeding.Conner looked at his brother in horror.

     "What happened?" Arsenal says helping us best he can.

     "I don't know" I start begging in my head for him to be ok soon the rest of the team was standing outside the door watching us Nightwing  helps Arsenal get Match to medbay.

-Conner's point of view
    I walk in to see (Y/N) holding a almost lifeless Match Bart doing his best to stop the bleeding. There is blood everywhere. This is all my fault I freeze in horror Arsenal pushes past me Nightwing dose the same. All I can do is watch I wonder if this is how Nightwing felt when he lost Jason I want to help but I can't move. I can barely breath. Soon they mange to get him to medbay we all sit out side while batman and red tornado do surgery guilt pricks my heart.

     "Kon you ok?" Megan asks.

     "I don't know" I look over to (Y/N) who is not wearing her usual smile instead she is crying I walk over to her and try to calm her down. Batman walks out please be ok.

-No one's point of view

     "How is he?"Nightwing asked.

     "He should be fine You can go in and see him" Batman says you run in with out hearing anything eles you walk over to Match's side.

     "(Y/N)?" his voice is horse and week he open his eyes. You love his eyes so odd and different. You loved how they were blue and black with out an
ounce of white.

     "Yes I'm here" you hold his hand "why?" You ask.

     "What?" He looks at you confused.

     "Why did you do this to yourself?" you cry he turns  his head away from you.
   "Because I'm just a malfunction and a danger to my team" He takes a deep breath "And I almost killed the person I love most in this world you (Y/N)"
    "You love me?" Your face turns dark red.

      "I understand If you don't feel the same way after all who could love some one like-" you cut him off kissing his lips.

      "Anyone would love you" you stroke your hand in his hair. Later Conner apologized to Match And everyone came in to check on him. Arsenal was a little mad when he saw you kiss Match but he soon got over it and was just glad his friend was ok. You stayed by his side all night and take care of him.

-Extended Ending

     The team was in a meeting and right now you were holding Match's hand.

     "Hey look what I found!"Bart shouts running inside with a green rock Conner and Match run outside screaming like girls.

     "I'll take that"batman says putting it in a lead box you roll your eyes.

     "I better warn superman" Nightwing whispers to you. You just laugh.

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