Tim x reader are you okay?

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-who you are
    You are (y/n) Kent, yes as in Clark Kent aka superman your dad. But your human your mom was in a wreck she looked at him and said take care of y/n. She handed a small sleeping baby to him then stopped breathing. Super man was on his way to the orphanage when you woke up. At the moment your eyes meet his Clark know that you didn't belong in the orphanage. Your eyes were full of kindness and compassion curiosity you turn to him, and said dad dad he nodded and said yes and adopted you. You grew up with your brother Conner. You knew that Conner and Clark were superheroes. After meeting batman and Nightwing (who you grew up with like a older brother) you made Clark train you and you became (s/h/n).

     You look at the building nervously "what if they hate me?" you ask your brother quietly.

     "are you kidding me they'll love you" then Conner added "and if anyone is mean to you or any guy flirts with you I will bash their head into the wall until there's nothing left but dust" your rolled your eyes and hugged Conner you follow him inside.

-You join the team
     "Guys this is (s/h/n) my sister so don't even try flirting with her" you saw Conner glare at a guy in a red and yellow suit.

     "Hi I'm Robin but you can call me Tim Tim Drake" said a guy in a red and black outfit. You try to hide your blush the way Nightwing had taught you.

     "You can call me (Y/N)Kent" you say smiling at him.

     "(Y/N)?" Says a rather perky voice and before you know what's happening you're pulled into the tightest hug of your life. You look up to see Nightwing. When you finally let you go the guy in the red and yellow outfit appearance beside you.

     " I'm Kid Flash but you can call me the man of your d-" he stopped when Nightwing and Superboy gave him a glare that would scare batman. You see Robin laugh and laugh to.

-Two years later
     You have been with the team for two years now and have come to love ever one but, one dark haired boy wonder had stole your heart. the only one that new about you Crush was your best friend Bart Allen. Who kept trying to get you to confess your feelings to Tim but you just say that he probably didn't feel the same way and try to change the subject.Bart would not give up though. He convinced Nightwing to send you in a mission with Tim and him so now here you were on the top of a building fighting Joker and Clayface.

     "Watch out" you say throwing your (w/o/c) (weapon of choice) at a Clay Soldier that was about to attack Tim (Bart had been knocked out).

     "Thanks" Tim say turns to look at you his eyes are filled with fear horror at the site his eyes meet. Your hand moves toward a bullet hole in your chest blood streaming out you fell to your knees and then on your face. Tim rushes to you.

     "Y/n!" He says forgetting about the whole secret identity thing he pulls you into his lap ripping off a piece of his cape and placing it over the your wound " are you okay? can you hear me? please don't close your Eyes!" You feel tears cover your face but they're not yours "Y/n I love you" he cried you wanted to tell him you loved him too but soon you are plunged into darkness.

------------Time skip------------------

     You are back at the tower but you haven't woken up yet it has been a whole week. Nightwing blamed himself for sending out on a mission without any other teammates. Connor has been so different from his normal self he's been crying Non-Stop wishing it was him lay there instead. He had already called and told Superman what happened. Bart blamed his self thing he should never try to force you to tell Tim your feelings. And Tim? he didn't speak to anyone all he did was watch you staying by youside praying for you to wake up. everyone stay by your bedside waiting for you to wake up each minute they were losing hope until they heard a small voice.

     "Aren't you supposed to be on the mission?" You smirked before you knew what was happening everone pulled you in a hug. Connor saw that your pillow wasn't so comfortable so he ran off to grab you a softer one. Nightwing thought that you might be really thirsty so he ran to grab you some water. Superman ran to grab you some painkillers Tim stay by your side.

     "I love you too" you said making Tim smile and pull you in for a kiss.

- extended ending
     " what do you think you're doing to my sister?!!!" Conner glared at Tim.

     "Get your hands off poor y/n" Nightwing yelled as looked a Tim who picked you up Bridal Style and ran with. You held tightly in his arms.

     " if I catch you I will Ram your head into the wall so hard that your whole skull will break into a million pieces I'll rip you to pieces"yelled Conner.

     "I don't care if you're my brother put little sis down" add nightwing screaming than to make them mad you kissed Tim on lips their faces were priceless.

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