Jason x reader not your fault

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     "No he can't be" you wanted to scream to kill someone you wanted your brother Tim.

     "I'm so sorry" Bruce looked at you
"Tim was ambushed by clay face"

     "No Clayface was suppose to- No it's all my fault" you start crying "Tim he is in a coma because of me!"anger and sadness fills you.

     "No (Y/N) it was not your fault" Bruce pulles you in a hug you push away

     "No it is I was team leader I was suppose not let anyone get hurt" tears are streaming down your face "and because of me my own brother may never wake up again"

    "(N/N) No one blames you" Nightwing saids Bruce nodes you shake your head.

     "It should have been me not him!" You yell images of you and him flash in your mind you ran you had to get away from them from Gotham you couldn't stay one more minute there you saw Tim's Doctor.

     "Oh yeah that guy that was with batman he is dead..." You didn't hear the rest you ran until you got to a abandoned house. You sat down on your knees breathing hard. You reached in your pocket pulling out a gun it was black and (F/C) Tim had bought it for you for protection, you laugh a little remembering Bruce's face.

-Flash back (location batcave)

     "Hi sis" Tim hugs you "How was your first week as part of the team"

     "Great I love it!" Tim smiles at you
"I'm glad I was hoping that you would" He saids "by the way got you something" he throw you a box.

     "Thanks" you open it and see a black and (F/C) gun

     "I know (F/C) is your favourite color it's you for protection in case the team could get to your side fast enough" Bruce walks in room sees the gun shock covers his face.

     "TIM!!!WHY DID YOU BUY HER A GUN!!!" Bruce sends Tim a batglare "YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT GUNS!!" Tim convened batman to let you keep the gun. As long as you didn't kill any one.

-End of Flash back

You pull the gun to your head you couldn't take it any more but before you can pull the trigger someone knocks you down kicking the gun out of your hand throwing it a cross the floor."Let me go!" you scream.

     "No not after what you pulled" a guy yelled he's voice full of concern.

     "Let me go!" you knock his red helmet off green eyes meet yours.
"Jason?" you ask in shock.

     "In the flesh" he smile "Sorry I couldn't tell you earlier but Bruce said if I did it could put you in danger well after that crazy thing of me trying to kill him and-" he was cut of by arms wrapping around him.   

     "I missed you so much" you whisper in his ear.

     "(N/N) What's wrong?" He ask hugging you. You tell him all that happened recently he hugs you tighter.

     "It's all my fault! I'm so stupid! I sent him to his death!" You were crying harder "It's all my fault"

     "(Y/N) look at me" your turn your tear stained face to his "It's not your fault" he whipped away your tears and lays you in his lap You two sit in silence for a while.

     "Jason..." you say look up to face him.

     "Hum?" he bends over to face you careful not to bump your head.

     "Thanks for saving me" you give him a small smile.

     "Your welcome" he says blushing a bite "(N/N) I um I- I like you a lot"

     "I love you to" you smile kissing his cheek "Jay I need to see for my self to see Tim one last time" Jason nodes putting you on his motorcycle

-time skip
     You look at your brother he looks so peaceful. You run your fingers in his hair. "It's time to pull the plug" you feel tears threatening to come out Jason grabs your hand you node.

     "Ok can you sign some papers include organ donating" you nod as you start to sign the paper your heared someone talking.

     "You miss spelled organ donating sis" Tim saids you and Jason run over to Tim

     "You are determined to be a torn in my side for the rest of me life aren't you replacement " Jason smiled

      "Someone has to make you look like a fool" Tim smiled

     "Do you bats ever die?" you smile hugging Tim

-Time skip
     Today Tim was coming home from the hospital. You helped him in the care and took him to the Manor when you got there you helped him to his room.

     "Ok Tim call me if you need anything" you hug him.

     "(Y/N) crime alart" Jason calls you run down stairs Jason grabs your arm and leads you to living room.

     "What about the crime alart?" you ask.

     "No crime Alart just wants to watch a movie with you, we have been dating for two months and we haven't watch a movie together"

     "Ok" you roll your eyes and kiss him

-extended ending
     "JASON HANDS OFF MY SISTER!!!" Tim yells

     "You better run" you say

     "Why he is hurt and the door is locked" he says locking the metal door

     "GET YOUR ZOMBIE LIPS OF MY POOR SISTER'S!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tim knock down door

     "Run?"Jason ask

     "Yep" you yell Jason runs as fast a he can.

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