Tim x Reader Arkham knight

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       To say your life was hard is the under statement of the year. Frist your mom dies then you and your brother get caught trying to steal the Batmobile tires next thing you know your a crime fighter. You lost your brother  Jason at the hands of the Joker. Then theres Barbra the one who stole batgirl from you and your love. Tim drake he had promise to never hurt you then he left you. And you lost your job this morning plus you got robbed. And now we come to the present.

      "Ugh" You open you eyes last thing you remember is the walk towards the batcave from potral.

      "(H/N)?" You felt your stomach drop what was Tim doing here.

      "Where are we?" You look around. The room is almost completely dark except one line that hung over you and Tim's heads.

      "I don't know" he tried to getting out shackles that binded him to the chair. "Do you thank Barbara is ok?"

      "Yeah sure whatever" you look away what did she have you didn't.

      "I'm sorry I didn't..." He was interrupted by some one opening the door.

      "Good morning love birds" you turn to see the Arkham knight " oh that's right your dumps her for Barbara"

      "Shut up" Tim yells. You remain silent preparing for your fate.

      "I can't believe she is the batgirl" you heard anger in his voice "She isn't as good as the one before her she brings shame to the Batgirl Legacy but you bring shame to the robin Legacy so I guess you're the perfect two"

      "Shut up" You tried not to laugh as the Arkham knight  keep talking.

      "And as I see she has cheated on you with Nightwing" you see Tim glare.

      "She loves me and I love her more than you could ever know" you look away.

      "Did a hit a nerve?" You swear he is smirking under his helmet. Your eyes widened when he pulls out a knife.

     "What are you going to do?" You remain silent as he walked closer to you.

      "Why would you care?" He pressed to cold metal against you neck careful not to cut you.

       "If you are going to kill me then go a head and do it" you growls. Tim stared at you in shock.

       "No I'd rather you join me we could be unstoppable" you let out a small chuckle.

       "As if" to your suprise the knife was removed from your neck.

       "As brave and headstrong as ever" he walked towards the door "You'll join my side soon"

       "(H/N) are you ok?" Tim looked at you.

      "Why do you care?" You snapped. Tim opens his mouth but then stops himself and looks at the ground.

      "He is right you were always a better batgirl" he sighed "and a better girlfriend" you turn towards the door as it opens.

      "I don't see why boss keeps them alive" say the frist guy walking in the room.

      "He is getting to soft I say it's time for a new leader" the second guy pulls out a gun "with this one alive we're all in danger I've seen what she can do"

      "Stay away from from her" Tim struggled against his chain.

      "Quite or we will kill you next" Tim keep struggling. The second guy snatches you out of the chair breaking apart your chains then pressed the gun to your stomach.

       "No stop!" Tim watched in horror at the guy holding you released the trigger. Ever thing went in slow motion as you fall to the ground.

       "What's going on?" The Arkham Knight walks in and shots both man dead.

       "(Y/N)!" Tim was in full panic doing his best to get to you. You feel your body starte to go num.

       "Hey kid it's ok your going to be fine" You look up then panic. "I'm not going to hurt you" he took of his helmet revealing someone you never thought you'd see again.

       "Jay?" You smile as he picks you up then ever thing goes black.

Time skip
        You opened your eyes slowly wondering why was the room so bright it takes you a minute to relizse your in the batcave on a hospital bed.

       "Zzzzzzzz" you turn to see Jason sleeping in a chair on your right side he look like he hasn't sleeped in for ever. On you left was Tim he was also asleep face stained with tears and hand squeezing yours.

      "Jay Tim?" Both of their eyes opened wide tears of joy ran down their face.

      "I'm so sorry I thought I lost you" Tim squeezed you hand."I love you"your eyes widened.

      "I love you too"you smile and turn to Jason."I missed you"

      "I missed you too kid" he hugged you.

      "I dumped Barbara" Your eyes widened "Your the only one I was ever happy with" you kissed Tim he looked at you in shock but soon kisses back. Jason dragged Tim out the room.

       "Hurt her again I know one million ways to kill you slowly and painfully I'll use the Lazarus pits to bring you back so I can try each way!"

Extended Ending
        "Hey girly" a man walked out of the shadows "isn't it a little late for you to be out here alone?"

        "You don't know my brother or boy friend"you smirk. Both Tim and Jason jumped of the roof.

        "Ahhhhhhhh!" The guy runs screaming like a girl. Jason runs after him.

        "Stand still so I can shot you" Bruce comes out of the shadows.

        "Jason we don't kill!!!!!!!!"Bruce yells.

        "I died once!!!!"

         "I'm batman"

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