Jason x reader Mocking bird

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      You walk into the cave in a Batgirl suit you made. You were filling in for Barbra. You've been in the batfamily since Jason frist died y you had been freinds before he died. You took up the mantle of robin until Tim came along you saw potential so you trained him untill Bruce made him robin. You help out with everthing you can such as take over portals and research. You for the first one the figure out the Red Hood was Jason. You were so happy he was back but he seem to hate you now.

      "Guess that's all you are is a replacment" Jason growled.

      "What?" You turn to him.

      "Don't play dumb with me you are a pretender you replaced me till Tim came just like you replaced Barbara" Jason snarls.

      "No it's not like that Jay I was never trying to replace you" you
go to touching shoulders but he moves back.

      "Yes it is and you're not even a good replacement" he smirks "you're just a Mockingbird when Barbara is better they'll get ride of you"

       "Jason I'm no one's replacement and they won't throw me away" but he was already gone.

     "(Y/N)?" You turn to see Bruce. "I need a word with you"

      "Yes sir"  you walk over to him. You keep telling yourself that your not a mockingbird that they do want you around.

      "Seeing as Barbara is better you don't have to be batgirl anymore" you felt your heart breaks.

      "Oh okay" You force a smile "I'll go see if Tim needs some help" you walk over to him."Need anything?"

     "No" he waved you off "I'm fine you can go home" you sigh and walk out.

     'Todd is right about you" Damian walked up from behind you "No one wants you here" It isn't true you keep telling your self.

     "Hey what's going on here?" Dick walked over to you.

     "Oh I felt tired so I'm calling it a night" you smile at him.

     "You can go on home we'll be fine with out you" you knew Dick wans' t trying to be mean but you felt ever word like a danger in you skin.

     "Okay have a goodnight see you later" you wave.

     "Goodbye" he waves. When you where out of the cave you started crying and running not caring where you where going untill the ground collapsed under you.

      "Help!" You cry as you fall. You close your eyes embracing for impact

      You wake up with blood dripping down your face. You look around to see your in a old cave in the corner was a broken mirror.

     "Who am I?" You looked in the mirror but the reflection was not yours it was of batgirl, robin, Stephanie and a million others. As a mockingbird lands on a branch your lips curve into a smile.

Three years later
      "Jason?" Jason looked up from the computer.

      "What is it?" He rubbed his eyes looking at the clock 3:00am?

      "You need some sleep"Dick started to turn off the computer.

      "No I to find her this is all my fault" Jason pushed his hand away.

      "You can't help her if you over work yourself to the point of exhaustion"

      "Fine" Jason sighed in defeat "if anything happens tell me"

       "There are reports of Harley Quinn stealing from Gotham power plant"Bruce says walking in.

      "I'm going with you" Jason calls. Dick turns to argue but stops when he sees Jason face he felt awful.

      "Fine just becarful" they all race out of the bacrave.

      "And so it begins"you smile to yourself as they walk in. Placing your bird mask on your face.

      "Harley?" You smirk changing the voice to sound like riddler.

      "Nope" You laugh "riddle me this" you step out of the shadows spreading  out your beautiful grey wings. "

     "Who are you?" Jason eyes You carefully.

      "The replacment but you can call me Mockingbird" you jumped down  hitting Tim with your wings and throwing batarangs. You grab a set chemicals

      "Haha" you laugh flying away with your prize. You fought with the bats many more times you keep your identity hiden behind the mask until one day.

      "Give up Mockingbird you can't win" you dash towards him knocking him down with you wings.

      "Yeah can't win" you laugh. Jason pushes himself to his feet and slams his fist in your face the mask goes flying off (Dick:"Was that a bird pun I'm so proud!"// Jason:"No stop being a bad influence//Tim:"says the one who kills")

      "(Y/N)?" His eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

     "Aww you finally figured it out" using your wings to push yourself off the ground.

     "But your not a villain" he goes to grab your hand but you knock him down.

      "I play the role of a villain I don't choose who I am I copy ...no " you laugh as you put your mask back on.

      "But your a hero and my best friend" he says getting up.

      "No I'm the replacement" you snap "the pretenders the imposters" the comers of you lip curl in to a smirk " A mockingbird"

       "Your not just a replacement" Jason smiles " Your amazing your special" for a moment you wanted to go back to normal then who am I echoes in your head it hurts.

      "Leave now" you push him away

      "Please (Y/N)" he trys to reason with you but you didn't want to listen.

      "I said leave" he sighs in defeat.

      "Fine but read this " he hands you a paper and walks off. Two hours later you see him captured by the joker.

"Who?" You break in to tears you take your fist and pitch the mirror "Who am I?" blood driped down your fist. You look at the mirror. You look at the paper he left you unfold it

I love you with all my heart I'm sorry. You may not remember who you are but I do. Your kind, fearless,strong. Your everthing I wantto be. I miss you.
I love you!

       "Mind if I join the party?" You jump down next to joker.

       "Mockingbird?" Joker smiles " you come to help me?"

      "No and the names not mocking bird it's (H/N)" you walk out of shadows in your new costume.

       "What's with the new name and getup?" You punch him and thencut the others free.

       "I love you too" you smile holding the note. Jason grabs your hands and kisses you.

Extended Ending
      "Oh no I lost Jason! (Y/N) is going to kill me" Tim panicked.

      "Calm down Drake I got this" Damian cuped his hands around his mouth "(H/N) is just a copy of the rest of the batfamily"

      "What did you say?!!!!" Jason calls from the of a building.

      "Jason put the gun down"Dick grabbed the gun.
      "Excuses me?!!" A crowd of people circle around them telling a million reasons  (H/N) is the best hero ever.

      "I'll kill that little brat!" Jason yells wrestling Dick for the gun.

      "Found him!!!"Damian runs off leavening poor Tim to deal with a bunch of crazy (H/N) fans.

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