Dick x reader I'll help you to fly

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     You carefully climb up to the top of the ladder. Your (S/H/N) a crime fighter in Gotham, but your real name is (Y/N). Your mentor was Batman aka Bruce Wayne. Right now you and your long time best Dick greyson and his brothers are on a assignment of suspected blackmail and murder threats. You Jason and Damian posed as an acrobat family (Jason the dad you the mom and Damian the son). While Tim and Dick went undercover as normal audience members of the fair. (Bruce thought Jason looked more like the real dad than Dick)
     "And here we have the famous Danger Family"a overly happy voice replies "Drake Danger" he points to Jason who is the middle swimming hanging by his feet.
     "I feel nervous"You whisper to Damian.
     "It's ok (L/N) besides if Grayson can do this it has to be easy" you laugh a bit.
     "Thanks Daimi" you smile.
     "Dan Danger" Damian waves doing a leap and grabbing the lowest swing frist.
     "And last oyr little miss Dianna Danger" you smile your shy smile and wave you do a cart wheel Leaping to the highest swing Damian swings towards you releasing the swing and grabbing your hands.
     "See easy" you smile at him then feel something is wrong.
     "Damian are you-" the rope was loosening you swing Damian to the plate form and feel the rope give way you close your eyes.
     "(Y/N)!!!!" both Jason and Damian yell reaching out to grab you as you plumbit towards the ground. You open your eyes to see the crowd running out of the tent. While Dick jumped out of the stand and running towards you, then you feel pain as your back hits the hard ground and then blackness.
     "(Y/N)! Can you hear me?!!!" Dick kneels down to your side. You struggle to open your eyes.
     "Yes" tears roll down your cheek "Dick it hurts so much" he places your head in his lap No I can't lose her not like I lost my parents Dick cries in his head "If this is the end-"
     "No!!! Don't talk like that!!!" Dick cut you off "This is not the end you have to be ok you just have to!!!" Tears role down his face falling on to yours
     "If it is I need to tell you something" you say your voice so soft he looks at you "I *cough* love you"
     "I love you too" he kisses your cheek your eyes start to close "Stay awake" you do your best but you feel so tired "I promise you'll never fall again, I'll help you fly" you smile at him a little blood running down your mouth
     The paramedics arrive soon and loads you on a ambulance.Dick holds your hand the whole ride, the brothers fallow in the car.
     "How is she?" Jason ask walking in the hospital
     "I don't know"Dick answers softly his voice covered in sarrow. All brother sit in silence a doctor pulls Jason aside (because Dick is a wreak right now).
     "What did he say?"Tim says in a shaky voice.
     "He wanted to know if she is a organ donor just in case"Jason whispers killing almost all hope a nurse walks in.
     "She is going to be fine" all BatBoys jumped out of their seats.
     "Can we see her?" as Damian
     " Please" added Tim the Nurse saw the worry on Dick's face and nods leading them to her room. As soon as they walked in (Y/N)'s eyes lit up.
     "Dami are you ok?" You ask
     "I'm Fine thanks to you" Damian smiles "Are you ok?"
     "Besides from the fact that the only music here is Justine beaver yuck I'm fine" you smile hugging the youngest boy then Tim and Jason finely Dick who lays his head on your shoulder
     "I thought I lost you"  he whispered
     "You can't get ride of me till you teach me to fly"  you Joke Dick pulls you in to a kiss

-Extended Ending
     Two weeks later you sit in bed reading a books when you get really thirsty you grab your crutches and hobble to the kitchen no one told you you Alfred had mopped the kitchen you slip but Dick grabs your arm and picks you up bridle style.
     "told you I wouldn't let you fall" he smirks you see camera flash
     "That's a keeper"yells Jason then runs Dick chases after him carrying you. Jason trips and falls.
     "To bad no one will help you fly" Tim jokes.

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