Chapter 2: Aspen

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"Forgive my laughter I have a condition."

The ocean scent has become mixed with peppermint as I get closer. The scent is the strongest as i stand directly in front of everyone within the room. I am stuck in a daze when I barely hear someone say....


I quickly snap out of my daze.

"Your Royal Highnesses" I said softly. I elegantly bow down to the King and Queen. They may not my King and Queen but you still have to be respectful and bow to the Royals. I wait patiently for one of them to order me to straighten back up.

"Rise!" The King's raspy voice echoed in this giant office. I can hear footsteps getting closer. Soon they exit the room as the door slams behind them. I quickly straighten back up and look to where the one prince and four children were and back towards the door again.

Did I offend him?

"Ignore him, will you? He is just agitated." The Queen says in the softest voice. I throw my hands over my mouth with my eyes the size of saucers. This isn't going so well. Letting my hands fall back down to my sides after I have finally calmed down.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask stunned. The King has the biggest smirk on his face while the Queen giggles.

She is fricking giggles!

Who the hell?

What the hell?

I am standing here looking at them like they have pet Velociraptors behind them.

"Yes.... You.... Did." The Queen replies in between her laughs.

"Since she's still laughing, I will start the interview." The King says while looking over at his wife shaking his head at her.

"It says you're eighteen. Do you have any experience with children?" He starts off.

"Yes. I would take care of my cousins and babysat the neighbors' children after school." I answer with honesty. You would have to be an idiot to try to lie to these people. They can tell when you're lying.

"Very well. Might I ask why you want this job for?" The Queen finally asks when she has controlled her laughing fits.

"Because I need the money to save up for college next year." I answer yet again honestly.

"What? Where are your parents? Or your guardian?" The King asks with a confusion. The royals and in the supernatural community, the pack, coven, clan, or some cases parents pay for everything. College is pretty much handed to you on a silver lining. Supernatural creatures are well off compared to the humans. We have to struggle to live. Struggle to figure out how to get into college. At times, I wish I were one of them. Maybe then, my father wouldn't have died from cancer. He would have still been here.

"Um... Your Highness...." I begin to speak.

"Please call me Thanos." He interrupts me.

"You can call me Aphrodite." She says right after her husband.

"Right? Sir... I mean Thanos and Aphrodite. I'm eighteen so in the human community it is considered an adult. For my parents. Well, I would have to truly explain from the beginning. If you have time?" I answer nervously.

"We have plenty of time. You're our last interview for the day." Aphrodite says with a small smile.

"A year after my parents had me. My mother ran away. So, I am my parents' only child. My father raised me with a strong values of treat others how you want to be treated. Never look down on a soul. They could be your best friend. Anyways my dad died when I was fourteen from cancer.... " I stop for a moment to catch my breath and to conceal the hurt in my voice. Aphrodite gasps when she hears the beginning of my explanation.

"Poor child. Did your people not help you?" Thanos asks.

"My dad had money saved up for when his time came. It was enough for me to pay off our home, buy a car, which I might add I never did because I fixed up his car instead, everyday expenses, and to bury my father. I still have money but not enough for college. My aunt was my guardian if you want to call it that. She wasn't around a lot. She is like a wild and free spirit. When I turned seventeen, she said I was pretty much an adult she's off to travel the world and left." I finish.

"What college are you wishing to attend?" They both ask.

"Aurora University." I mumbled out.

"That's a great school." Aphrodite says.

"It's mainly supernatural creatures. Our kind are who go there. They do happen to accept humans but why that college?" Thanos asks puzzled.

"Like I said earlier I was raised to treat others how I want to be treated. I want to learn to tend to wounds, poisons, create potions that'll heal what could kill creatures, I want to help creatures who need help medically. Our human colleges don't offer such a thing. Your people or creatures fascinate me and if a wolf has wolfbane in their system I would want to at least extract it from their body before they die. I would hope in return if I was near death your kind would do the same. So human colleges don't teach about supernatural creatures like how I want." I answer honestly.

"Hmmmm." Thanos says while rubbing his chin.

"How much do you have if I may ask?" Aphrodite asks.

"20,000 ma'am. I need 30,000 more before I can even attend. So, I have a whole year to save for it." I whisper out, knowing damn well they can still hear me.

"I love her Thanos! We have got to hire her." Aphrodite says. I look towards the Queen with a heartfelt smile on my face.

"How about we do a trial. Do you have two hours to spare? I know it's a little late. But we want to see how well you are with those four." Thanos replies.

"Yes sir! But may I know a little about them first?" I ask.

"Tyson is the oldest. He's like a carbon copy of Dimitri when it comes to attitudes and personality. Rowan is well Rowan. He is the prankster of the younger ones. Dovelin is the third oldest and can be quite sassy for her age. Shiloh is the youngest and she is well shy. She talks to you or clings to you than she trusts you." Aphrodite says.

"If Shiloh interacts with you. You will be hired. But we need you to be live here. In this castle." Thanos says.

"Here... In.... This... Castle....?" I say shocked.

"Is that a problem?" Aphrodite asks with her brows furrowed.

"No! Not at all. I am just not use to such kind people. Or big castles...." I say.

"Then it's settled." Aphrodite says.

"Let the trail begin." Thanos says and nods towards the door.

Please moon goddess, Hecate, the Dragon Lord, whoever hears my plead please be with me.

"Hahaha." Aphrodite and Thanos laugh.

"Did I say that out loud again?" I ask completely mortified. Both nod their heads yes and I just want to mentally face palm myself.

For the love of the moon let this not be a disaster.

I hear snickering in front of me.

Damn it! I done it again.

Edited: 10/16/2024

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