Chapter 24

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"Work for a cause not for applause. Live life to express not to impress."

Once they learned what I had to do they still didn't like the idea of their mate being into the war. As I said before for thousands of years they have done this and every 300 years we are reborn to do this shit all over. It's an endless cycle which needs to be broken. Thanos and Aphrodite has been trying to get the big ogors to realize it has to be done. I have to be in this war. Aphrodite has been training me with magic. Thanos has been teaching me how to fight in human form and wolf form. Thanos and Aphrodite has been teaching me how to use my magic while in wolf form. I've gotten pretty decent at all of it. It's like I'm getting stronger and stronger by the second. Like my body automatically knows what to do and when to say whatever it is....

Is this Artemis's doings?

Most likely....

We have literally one month until we are to go to war with my so called mother. The guys have guards guarding the fucking library so Aphrodite has taught me a sleeping potion. Today I am going to get that damn spell and I am going to get that damn dagger. Damn tribrids think they outsmarted me....

I am going to be in this war. Rather they like it or not. I have my small crossover bag with me that has my notebook, pen, and satchel full of my sleeping powder. I pull out the powder from my small satchel as I walked by the two guards at the library entrance I blow the dust into their faces. Like a switch they are knocked out cold. If I timed it correctly they'll be waking up in fifteen minutes and the guys won't be back from training for thirty more minutes. I step over their sleeping forms with ease and head towards the book I needed. I flip until I found the page I am looking for and begin to write every word down into my notebook. I quickly and carefully place the book back onto the shelf. I put my notebook and pen back into my bag. I run out the library closing the door behind me and jumping over the sleeping beauties. I quickly head to my room to place my things on my desk. This all takes me not even ten minutes to do so, but why am I hearing commotions coming from downstairs? Guards have five minutes left to sleep and the guys still have twenty minutes left in training. Curiosity gets the best of me because I open my door and peek my small head out.

"How the hell!"

"What the fuck!'"

"Are they asleep?"



I quickly walk out my door and head downstairs. I come across the sleeping guards and my four mates. They aren't supposed to be here yet.... When they catch my scent coming down the hall all four heads snap into my direction. I quickly throw my hands up in surrender.

"I was just practicing my potions and spells." I defend.

"How strong did you make that?" Orion asks with an eyebrow quirked up.

"Not very strong." I reply.

"Apparently pretty strong if they are still asleep, don't you think?" Paxton jokes with his arm crossed which makes all his muscles pop out.

"Maybe I used too much melatonin?" I question with my eyebrow raised.

"Aspen?" Hendrix starts to ask.

"Care to explain why my best guards are on the ground in dreamland?" Dimitri's voice booms.

"In my defense if they're our best guards than we're fucked. Because it wasn't that strong." I snarl back.

"My guards are asleep!" Dimitri yells.

"Well, if the enemy hits them with anything that can make them go night night than they need to be use to it so they don't go down. Don't you think?" I say with my arms cross. I walk around the guys and mumble to myself.

"Bunch of ogor vaginas if they go down that quick. Best my ass."

"What did you say?" Hendrix laughs out. Turning around to face them I say with as much confidence as I can muster.

"They are fucking vaginas mate!"

Paxton doubles over in laughter.

"I thought that's what you said." Hendrix bursts out laughing.

"If you four are done with your interrogations may I go eat lunch now?" I ask. Not waiting for a response I walk to the kitchen to eat my damn salad.

Dumb ogors....

I grab my salad and sit at the table and begin to eat my food... That is until he decided to show up and ruin my appetite.

"You understand why we don't want you in this war don't you?" Dimi asks.

"Even if I say yes you'll still go on about it. So either way I'm going to hear it all over again." I say while looking up from my salad.

"Because we don't need you dying." Dimi says.

"I'm going to die either way cause you won't let me save our kind." I mumbled back. The chair scrapes across the wooden floor and I quickly get up. I walk out the back door and away from the big headed ogor. Thanos and Aphrodite came up with a plan to help me get into this war. As long as Dimi doesn't make some kind of spell that'll keep me locked up in this castle.... That is..

"What's wrong amor?"

I hear from behind me. I already know it was Hendrix. But the sound of the porch creaking I knew instantly someone is with him...

I turn to see....


"Dumb ass thick skulled ogor in there." I reply back. I turn back facing the woods with my hands on the porch railings. I hear a deep husky laugh that always makes my heart stop....


"Come on amor you know you love his thick skull ogor ass." Paxton said while laughing.

"He doesn't get it. Neither do you guys." I mumbled back.

"We get it. Us out here honestly do." Paxton says while waving his hands around frantically toward everyone on the porch. This has me in fits of laughter until I hear Hendrix's voice.

"Which is why." Hendrix adds.

"We agree you need to be there." Orion finishes.

"We're going to help you sneak into this war." Hendrix says. I stare at this three like they have said an ancient curse.

"What?" I ask.

"You heard us. We agree with you on this. But please stay safe and don't make us regret our decision on you being there." Orion says.

"We'll come up with a plan. If he uses a spell to keep you locked in this castle we will counter the spell.... Somehow." Paxton steps up beside me and says while ruffling my hair than kisses my head.

"Yeah, somehow..." Hendrix mumbles in the least convincing voice. This has Orion hitting him on the back of his head.

"What? Dimitri is the best with spells... Remember..." Hendrix asks while rubbing his sore nogging.

"Did you forget Paxton is just as great at spells as fucking Dimi is?! Pax is equal to all of us! He's as strong as you and your wolf. He is also just as quick and quiet as my vampire side. He is literally a lethal combination!" Orion growls out.

"Oh yeah. But, Paxton hasn't been practicing his magic in a very.... Very long time." Hendrix counters.

"Like I said I will figure out a way to counter his spells and magic. Oh and Drix! I've been practicing more than you know." Paxton retorts.

Three thick skulled Ogors down. One dumb ass ogor tribrid to go.

I hear laughing and I immediately place my hands over my mouth...

Edited: 1/28/24

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