Chapter 33.

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"In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not yet the end."

Marissa and I have been running hand and hand the entire time. She was protecting our backsides while I was defending our front.

"Do you happen to know where my mates are?" I ask her with worry laced into my words.

"The south boarders." She begins to trail off.

"To the left!" She yells.

Within a millisecond my life would have ended if it wasn't for her. A vampire was lurking behind a tree with a silver dagger. Their witch was trying to chant a hex on me, so the smelly vampire could pierce my heart with the dagger. However, Marissa and I had used very different protection spell before we left the cells. So, the witch's magic is bouncing off of us and back on to them. Marissa takes her very own dagger out and charges at the hexing witch and vampire. She pierces the witch in the heart and beheads the vampire. His head rolling towards her feet. This crazy witch kicks his severed head like a bloody football! She grabs my hand again and we continue to run towards the southside of our land. Where I saw most of the explosions take place when I was in my cell.

"The guys have split up. Hendrix and Paxton are at the south end. Dimitri and Orion are on the north end. Well, that is where they were when I last saw the four." She quickly says.

This makes the blood drain from my face. The explosions! Paxton! She could be using the fires from that explosion to burn my mate! I begin to run faster on my small legs. When I leaped over the fallen logs I shifted into my wolf in mid-flight. When I land on all four paws, I abruptly skid into a stop so Marissa can jump onto my back. Once she is safely on my back, I speed off like flash towards two of my mates. When I get to the fight on the south end, I spot both gammas fighting side by side. Killing anyone that comes near them. They are like the perfect fighting machines. If one sees an enemy trying to sneak an attack on the other, they already have the heads of the enemy dangling out of their wolf mouth.

How the hell did Sebastain do that?

I feel a sharp pain to my leg and knew right then and there, one of my mates are injured. My guess would be Hendrix. I run as quickly as I could around the fighting gammas and warriors. I smelt his blood and my face would have been white if I was still in human form.


I use my wolf nose and follow his scent. When I round the old orphanage, I come face to face with rogue witches, vampires, and wolves fighting against my two mates with Lisa sneaking up behind Hendrix. Ready to attack. Before she can even make it to my mate, I immediately throw my shield up. Praying to Artemis that my shield will reach my two mates. Surprising the hell out of me and Marissa as we watch Lisa throws her wolfsbane soaked dagger towards Hendrix. The dagger hits the shield and bounces off the air like a rubber ball on a wall. The dagger penetrates the blood-soaked ground. I know the moment I come into view Hendrix and Paxton could smell me. Still in wolf form I charge to my mates. Marissa chants the same protection spell we used in my cell on Hendrix and Paxton.

'Lisa is working for my mom! Marissa came down to save me because Lisa was on her way to lure me here.' I mind linked both of my mates.

"I used a different protection spell. They can't hex you two. If they do it bounces off the spell and their hex hits them full force." Marissa explains.

"We need to get back to the north side so we need to end the battle here. Kali is on the north end!" Marissa yells out.

A vampire tries to sneak up and attack, but my wolf is out for blood. She leaps over Marissa and latches onto the vampire's head. She shakes viciously and the vampire's head is now dangling from her mouth. She drops the severed head which rolls on the ground.


'Remind me to brush my mouth out later!'

Before my wolf could respond to me, we hear a heartbreaking scream.

'Must have been someone's beloved.'

'But who's? Keep your wolf eyes sharp Angel. She will be out for blood.'

That blood curling scream came from Lisa?!


Marissa looked shocked to see her ex-witch best friend scream over that vampire. Paxton is already in front of me. Guarding me with his life.

"You bitch! You killed my beloved!"

Paxton has partially shifted, and Hendrix is doing half circles behind us in wolf form. Lisa and a few stragglers are what is left of this battle on the south end. Our casualties aren't many at all so far. Only one out of fifty of us on the south end. Lisa goes to charge towards Paxton when I side step him in wolf form. I snap my blood-soaked teeth at her. My face is drenched in blood, I look like a scary creature from a nightmare. Lisa stops dead in her tracks and looks terrified to see me. I continue to snap at her. Paxton and Hendrix have killed the remaining few, this just leaves our traitor Lisa. While I have Lisa cornered into the side of the orphanage's side, Marissa comes up and blows a lilac-colored powder in her face. Lisa instantly does down without a fight. Like her soul exited her body. You seriously would have thought this bitch was dead.

"She'll be asleep for a while." Marissa's voice rings out. I quickly shift back to my human form and Marissa already has the duffel bag opened and a shirt pulled out.

"What? I figured you would need some clothes, so I stole Dimitri's" She laughs out. I quickly throw his shirt over my head and turn towards the gammas.

"Take a few warriors with you. Lock her up in cell 13. Leave them to guard her cell and meet us on the north end" Hendrix calls out before I can voice my own opinion.

"What? I knew you would say cell 13. It's one of our maximum clearance cells." Hendrix says in defense.

They drag a comatose Lisa towards the castle. When we start to begin our trek towards the north side I get a sharp pain in my chest...


The pain is so bad that I feel like my heart just exploded. I fall to my knees and let out a agonizing scream. Paxton and Hendrix is holding their own chest.

"ORION" Marissa and I scream at the same time.

I fight through the pain and stand on my shaking legs. Marissa and I run side by side and Paxton and Hendrix are right behind us. All three of us fighting against the pain within us. When we finally make it to the north side, we head towards the mausoleum. On the right side of the mausoleum about 50 feet from it; I see what was causing my chest to hurt so much.

Aphrodite is on the ground with her palms glowing lavender over a body. She is healing Orion who was stabbed in the chest with a two headed stiletto dagger.

I'm going to set her body on fire and drown her ashes in the toilet!

Edited: 1/28/24

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