Chapter 22

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"When it hurts...... Observe...... Life is trying to teach you something."

The next morning, I had woken up to banging on the door... I never answered... Depression is getting to me. I heard Hendrix ask for me open up. I replied with my famous no. Orion knock once and I yelled I'm alive and fine. I never once open the door. This went on for a few days. Aphrodite would leave breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside my door each day. I would crack my door enough to get my food and close it. I never would eat all of my food. Bites here, nibble there and set it back outside my door. Some days I wouldn't eat at all. I just wasn't in the mood. I would stay in bed and just cry. I swear I thought I ran out of tears, but these tears never dried up. It got to the point Paxton even knocked and yelled from behind the door. Not once did I answer. Eventually Dimitri started to pound on my door and demand me open it. I just turned the volume up on my TV to drown out the noise. This went on for a solid week.

All four of my mates and their family have left for the day. So, I take this as my chance to raid the kitchen. I grab as many snacks as my small hands could possibly carry and head back up to my room. I place everything back on my bed and grab all my mates' things I have taken from them when I woke up from my coma. I walk into Hendrix's room and place his joggers, headphones, and the movie he let me borrow on his bed. I place a painting I had done of Bolt on his bed. I placed a note on his bed that simply read...

Thank you for letting me borrow these. You can have them back now.
Xoxo Brielle

I walked into Orion's room and placed a sweatshirt, his favorite comic book, and his necklace on his bed. Beside his items I placed a painting of Gunner I had done. I laid his note next to everything that read.

Thank you Ri for being a great mate and for letting me borrow these as well.
Xoxo Brielle

I slowly walked to Dimitri's room. You would figure the big bad wolf with the icy heart would be my last room I stop by. In reality it wasn't because I'm use to his harsh words and attitudes. Paxton, his words cut deeper than a knife to the heart. His wounds will take time to heal on me. I place his flat bill hat, hoodie, and his favorite cologne on his bed. Next to his belongings I placed the painting I drew of Night next to it. I place a note on his laptop that he had on his bed that said.

I'm sorry I'm not the strong mate you wanted. If I could break this mate bond so you could have a stronger mate I would if it meant you was happier. Here's your belongings I took a while ago.
</3 Brielle

I creep down the hall to Paxton's room finally. I tiptoe into his room and place a blanket, his basketball shorts, t shirt, and his favorite book he let me borrow on his bed. I left the painting of Eskimo to the right of it and left a note on his pillow. The words were smudged and smeared due to my tears. His note simply said.

I know you hate my guts for my actions that caused Dimitri's health to decline at first and caused you to lose your mate for so long. If I could go back in time I would do it differently, but I would still sacrifice myself to keep you and your brothers safe. I'm sorry for my selfishness and selfish actions. Maybe one day you'll forget me. Maybe one day I could find a way for you to reject me. Just know I miss your caring self. And just know I am truly sorry from the bottom of my 'non caring' heart.
</3 Brielle

I walk out his room and back into my own. I forget to put my protection spell back up and didn't lock my door. I place my snacks on my shelf and walk back to my comfy bed. My face planted the squishy comforter. And quickly I fall into a slumber.

That slumber is rudely interrupted by four ferocious growls that rattled the whole castle. I turned over to my side and rolled into a burrito in my blanket. Only thing visible is my wine hair sprawled out on my pillow. I hear stomping around in the halls and voices coming from every which direction.

"Where is she?"

"Her office is locked!"

"So is her library!"

"She isn't downstairs!"

"Well, she isn't in our rooms..."

"Obviously! Hendrix!"

"Main library is cleared."

Stupid idiots.

I slowly drifted off to sleep. In my unconscious state I can hear my bedroom door open. I wake up to footsteps on my floor. I keep my eyes closed and am able to keep my heart at a steady pace. I feel someone playing with my hair and they kiss the top of my head. They slowly walk away towards my door. Once in the hallway I hear a voice.

"Found her!" Dimitri whispers.

My blood ran cold....

Dimitri kissed my head....

I hear several stampeding elephants in the hall.

"Where!" Orion screams.

"Is she okay?" Hendrix yells.

"Is she alive he means?" Paxton says.

"Shhh! She's asleep!" Dimitri whispers.

I hear the floor creak, and I knew they are in my doorway.

"Are you positively sure she's alive?" Hendrix says worried.

"I'm positive. She was breathing when I went in there." Dimitri whisper yells at his brother.

I hear 3 different sets of footsteps in my room. I can feel 3 different kisses to my head and hear all 3 voices as they walk to my door.

"I love you Brielle."

"Always and forever, my love."

"I'm sorry."

I mentally roll my eyes. Stupid tribrids and their mood swings.

Edited: 1/28/24

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