Chapter 35

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

It has been a few weeks since the war that has went of for thousands of years has ended. In the next few weeks my mates will be crowned kings and I will be crown the new queen. School, well who has time for school now that I will be queen.

Just joking!

Even as queen I still will be going to college. Except it will be online instead. I actually start in 2 days and I'm stoked! But today I have more important things to worry about. Like one, I have a doctor's appointment in two hours and I have to have a little chat with two big-bird brained gammas. I round the corner coming out of my office that is now downstairs. I run right into the two I needed to see; who were coming out of the big huge office down the hall from me. Behind them Luke and Dixon. My mates are behind everyone with smirks plastered on their faces. I haven't honestly seen Luke or Dixon since the war ended so it was a surprise to see them. Luke's mate rejected him on sight and hauled ass. You see she was on our enemy's side. She was a hybrid. Apparently the rejection was bad on Luke so Dimi gave him some time off.

"Landyn! Sebastian!" I yell. This makes them jump in fright.

Idiots I am not going to kill you.

"Calm down! I ain't about to shoot you two. I just need to talk about Adne." I mumbled out. I shove everyone back into the big ass office they came out of and closed the door behind me.

"Look, I get you two are her mates but please go easy and slow with her. She's been through some.... Trauma.... But that's her story to tell. So don't ask. Just please go slow with her. I beg you." I explain with pleading eyes. Both men have agreed to my requests. When I got to walk out the door, I stop and face them again.

"If you two even hurt a hair on her precious head, I will castrate you and hang your genitals outside my front gate as a decoration." I whispered low and threatening.

"Damn! Her threats are getting worse and worse as the day goes by." Hendrix says while holding his own hand between his leg.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? You're a little.. Well, more violent than normal." Orion questions.

"Yeah? I'm fine." I answer confused.

"Don't forget you need to be at your doctor's appointment in an hour!" Dimitri yells from the back of the room.

Why in the Artemis are you in the back of the room for?

"I know I'm about to head there now." I respond back to my hiding mate.

As I was about to walk out of the door, Marissa come waltzing in. I haven't seen her in a week. She told me her mate was a rogue, who she slaughtered with her own hands. I had made her my secretary. My left headed lady after the war. When she slaughtered her own mate I decided to give her some time off as well.

"I have been looking for you Brielle!" Marissa pants out like she ran a marathon.

"I was just about to come find you." I answer her with a smile. Our world starts to spin when we hear a growl.


Like the sea parting, Luke is now in the open. Marissa's mouth is hung down like she couldn't believe it. The moon goddess has blessed them with a second chance. They're each other's second chance mates! Before anyone could speak Marissa hauls ass out of the office. Luke has the most hurtful expression on his face.

Damn it, Marissa!

"Give her some time. Let me talk to her." I whisper.

I run down the hall to fetch my distraught friend. We walk arms linked together and head towards my doctor's. We head down to the medical wing of the castle. My doctor walks in and begins to ask questions.

Always questions can't they just examine me and tell me what's wrong.

"Well, I feel fine except I get a nauseated stomach. My vampire wants to drink on my mates more, and my wolf rarely lets me shift. Hell she won't even let me wrestle around with anyone." I begin to explain.

The doctor comes back with ultrasound device and has me raise my shirt up over my belly. She begins to place the jelly that's is cold on my warm skin. This causes me to shiver. She proceeds to move the device over my stomach and than she gasps.

"What is it? Tell me I'm not dying." I whine out.

"Congratulations Queen Aspen you're having babies!" She explains.

"I'm having what?" I ask confused.

"Four little ones. See right here." She responds and proceeds to point at four small little dots on the screen.

Fuck me!

Oh god!

What do I tell them!?

How do I tell them?!

My face has gone a shade of white. I start to hyperventilate while my doctor is printing out copies from my test. She puts an iv in my arm and proceeds to give me medicine to calm me down. It won't hurt my babies. When I begin to relax, she walks out the exam room. I continue to look at the ultrasound pictures and tears have decided to fall from the roof. Marissa has me in a hug with my head resting on her shoulder. Not even fifteen minutes later my mates, Luke, Dixon, Sebastian, and Landyn come rushing through the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Who do I need to kill?"

"Did someone say something to upset you?"

This startles me and I jump out of bed in a hast. I stare up at my mates and with nervous hands turn the ultrasound picture around. It has 4 arrows to 4 dots that says baby a, baby b, baby c, baby d. Everyone of the guys examine the pictures. Than there are two thuds that echo the room. The two strongest men have fainted onto the cold hard floor. Orion is stunned and Hendrix has picked me up and started to spin me around. The doctor has come back into the room and notices my passed out mates. She calls for a nurse to bring two ice packs. The nurse comes in with the two ice packs as my mates begin to come back to their senses. She passes them their ice packs and walks back out; as if it's normal for Dimitri and Paxton to fall out on the floor.

"Here is prenatals and some nausea medicine. You'll be needing the latter one here soon. Congratulations my kings!" She says and walks out.

"You're 11 weeks 5 days pregnant?" Dimitri asks stunned with an ice pack in his hand.

"She's having 4! 4! Not 1 but 4 babies?" Paxton asks while holding his ice pack to his head.

"I..." I didn't get to finish my sentence.

"It's okay! We aren't mad! We're just shocked and excited!" Orion begins to explain.

"Lets head back upstairs." Hendrix calms says.

He grabs my hand and we all begin to walk back up to the living room. Luke and Marissa are actually in the back, behind us. Both are talking and Marissa is constantly apologizing to Luke. Things might just work out for those two.

I hope...

My left hand female is now our Beta female. Like I said to begin with earlier she's my left handed lady but I never figured out why. Now I know. We make it to the living room and the entire family is waiting to see what the doctor has said.

"We're going to have a baby!" Hendrix and I yell out.

"Not just one but 4!" Orion screams like a maniac!

Everyone is telling us congratulations and I take this as my time to relax on the couch. Shiloh has also laid right beside me on the couch. And Dove is at my feet.

"So, we get to have nieces or nephews?" Dove asks. You see, these two think of my mates as their older brothers. My mates have never once corrected them.

"Yes! You guys get to be aunts." I reply to her.

The next thing I know all three of us are passed out on the couch.

Edited: 1/28/24

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