Chapter 6

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"Behind every strong person. There is a story that gave them no choice."

I haven't met the other two tribrid quadruples yet. Apparently, Paxton left to find his mate a few villages over. Orion went to help a smaller pack with training and will be back before the ball that happens in two weeks' time. It is a charity slash mate ball. Meaning we're raising money for a cause plus all the mate-less creatures come to see if they can sniff out their other halves. The attendees include every magical creature and us humans. Humans aren't forced to go, it's an open invitation. Some werewolves do end up with humans for mates. It's not uncommon.

The Queen informed me that I will be attending the ball with them. Why you might ask, the answer is still unknown. Paxton is to arrive in the next few days. He told his family his mate search didn't end well, and he was ready to come back home. I am hoping when I meet this one it goes better than it had been with Dimitri. Why am I eager to meet the third quadruple that could very well be just like Dimitri is again, beyond me.

Fucking tribrid!.

I've been here for about two weeks give or take and he is still a complete utter jack ass. Why is he so distant and so cold hearted? I honestly have no idea. I, however, intend to figure out that mystery. Even if it kills me.... Literally... I could die at his hands...

I have slowly started to teach the younger two boys' manners. If they keep it up, they'll respect people and people will respect them.... Unless Dimitri manages to corrupt these two... Again... For the fifth time since I've been here. Stupid egotistic tribrid. I swear....

I'm currently playing with Dovelin's hair while Shiloh has her head rested on my lap sleeping. The boys are doing some of their schoolwork at the table. I smell the ocean again which only means one of two things. Hendrix is coming or worse Dimitri is heading this direction. I try to listen to the sound of the steps and realize how heavy they sound and heels clanking right behind them only means one thing....

It's not Hendrix...

I haven't seen this grumpy male all day. I only see him at dinner which it isn't even dinner time. What the hell is he doing here? I finish Birdie's hair and told her to go play while Shiloh is still asleep. She thankfully get up from between my legs and starts to walk to the cabinet. It holds her drawing things like paints, markers, blank paper, charcoal... You name it, it's within the cabinet.

"Dimitri!!" Lisa yells out to him. This makes Shiloh move in her sleep. I try to adjust her so she can stay in her peaceful sleep.

"Just go Lisa!" He growls at her.

"You won't even talk to me since that little witch got here." Lisa yells. Shiloh starts to move again so I carefully move her into my lap with her head on my shoulder. I watch Dove walk back with her stuff so she can draw. Leech face and Demon boy come into view in the room. Dimitri is several feet in front of her. He passes Dove and ruffles her braided hair. Lisa deliberately plows through Dovelin. The impact sends Dove a good seven feet backwards. She hits the ground so hard, we can hear the air leave her lungs. She slides into the cabinet that she had just walked from. I jump up with a now awake Shy in my hands and run to Dove.

"Oh my god! Dove!!" I scream out. I scoop up a now screaming Dove into my other arm and hold her to my side. She has a gnarly gash on her arm. She doesn't have her wolf yet; so she cannot heal as fast as others.

"Why would you do that?" I growl out to Lisa.

"You're supposed to be watching her." Lisa snaps back.

"She was fine until you barreled through here you dumb b.... Witch." I yell back. The commotion has Hendrix, Aphrodite and Thanos running into the room. Lisa goes to grab my arm but I side step out her reach.

Can't she see I have two children in my arms?

"Purpura Capillus!" I randomly mutter while looking at Lisa. Next thing I know her beautiful blonde hair goes to a dark shade of purple.

"Aunt Aphrodite?!" Hendrix says confused. I let out a gasp of shock.

"That wasn't me!" She says throwing her hands up in surrender. All eyes turn to me, and I am looking around with a terrified expression on my face.

"I think Aspen done it." Aphrodite said with a smug look on her face.

"What... No... I couldn't have. I don't have a magical bone in my body." I reply back.

"How'd you know to say purple hair in Latin?" Thanos asks.

"I.... I don't know exactly. Shiloh whispered those words and for some reason I repeated what she said. I was trying to figure out what she was saying." I said in defense. Both girls are giggling while looking at Lisa.

"Purple is her color." Shiloh giggles out.

"Put my hair back!" Lisa yells.

"I don't know how." I speak up. She lunges for me knocking me and the girls over. I flip to where I take the brute of the fall...

On my back...

"Get her the hell out my house!!!" Aphrodite yells out. Her eyes are glowing an amethyst color. She is beyond heated, her daughters could have been hurt. I mean Dovelin already has a nasty cut on her arm.
Dimitri and Hendrix help me up with the girls still hanging onto me. Before I could even register Dimitri helping, a pain sears through my body.

"Ow!" I whisper out. Not wanting anyone to realize my body is in agony. I carefully walk towards the couch. I place both little girls onto a couch cushion while I inspect them. Shiloh is perfectly fine. Dove still has her gash on her arm.

"I'll be right back. Don't move." I whisper to her. I move my abnormally stubby legs as fast as they could go to the kitchen. I grab the numbing potion Aphrodite and I had made together two days ago. With the numbing spray in my hand, I race to my room. By the time I have made it to my room, my legs feel like jelly. I dig into my drawer until I found my medical kit. With a silent prayer, I race back the way down the stairs skipping every four steps. I make it to the living room and come to a complete stop in front of Dove. I am out of breath from all the running. I squat in front of this little girl and talk to her to calm her down.

"This will be cold. So, hold still for me please." I tell her. I dab some of the potion on her gash.

"Tell me if you can feel me poking you. Okay?" I say to her. I poke her arm next to her gash and she shakes her little head no. I grab the surgical needle and the thread. I place her in my lap with her face into my chest. So, she can't see what I am about to do. I angle her arm in a way I can see her arm and stitch it up. I carefully give her twelve stitches. When I am done, I clean her arm and place gauze on her stitched-up arm and wrap her arm with a wrap to keep the gauze in place. So it'll be impossible for her wound to get an infection. Does she need the gauze and the wrap? No. But in my eyes she's still a child even if she's a hybrid. Dove looks up at me and I bop her on her small nose. She raises her arm up motioning me to kiss her boo boo. I kiss her wrapped up stitches and she giggles. She give me a small hug.

"I love you Aspie!" She says to me. She stuns the whole room with her sentence. Gasps of air is heard around me.

"I love you too Princess. Want to rest?" I ask her.
She nods her head and I place her on the couch and sit in between both girls. I now have both heads on my lap while I rub their heads. I look up to see everyone staring at me.

"She'd make a great mom one day." Hendrix says.

"Wow, just wow." Thanos says.

"She just told her she loved her." Aphrodite says with a loving look on her face. My face goes the shade of a tomato.

How did I forget they were in here with us?

And when did that witch leave?

Edited: 1/28/24

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