Chapter 16: Dimitri

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"Some men aren't looking for anything logical. Like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

(Right before he was slowly dying on the floor.)

I knew I accepted my fate. Being the oldest I am accepting my father's sins. I chose this fate to keep my family safe. Mainly to protect and keep her safe. I knew I accepted death when I heard Kali's raspy voice chanting dark magic spells. I knew this spell all to well. It's the spell she used on my father to weaken him before she beheaded him. I was her main target besides Aspen. I could easily defend myself but I chose to sacrifice myself for the ones I love.

"spiritus maligni audiunt clamores meos. lucem ex oculis. animam a corpore corrupto separant. concutere cor suum ad entitatem creaturas suas cum hoc hexagone occidere. da mihi vires ad hunc finem." Kali chanted with black blinding lights illuminated from her palm.

She blew her hexing powder at my body, and I knew my time has come. I can hear my love's screams because she can feel my life slowly slip away.

I will watch over you, my queen.

I can slowly feel the light leave my slumped-up body. But I can see my queen, my mate, my whole heart slinging Hendrix away from her. She is flinging dead bodies out of her way to come to me. I knew she came from a powerful bloodline, but I never expected her to be so powerful. Her aura is a blinding ombre blue light. She's upset and it is showing through her eyes. They are glowing Amethyst and Emerald swirls. I felt a dagger hit my heart and my world with dark. My soul you could say left my body, but I could see my lifeless body. I had a front row view of Aspen in all her fiery. She slams Kali into the wall and comes to my aide. Her tears are falling on my face and all I wanted to do was wipe them away. She is screaming for me to wake up and not to die.

I am sorry my love. Please forgive me for my selfishness.

I hear her whisper I'm sorry. But I not breaking any laws with this. What is she sorry for? This isn't her fault. Then it hit me why she was saying sorry.

Don't do it Brielle.

I watch as her palms are glowing Amethyst and Emerald, and she begins to chant what I thought was healing spell except when she started to chant something different, I knew she had found the one spell that would bring me back to life. She's one bright lady. I watch as my wounds heal, and color is coming back into my face. I am impressed but stupid girl can't listen to a single word I say. I am slowly coming back from the dead and I can hear her more clearly. She's trying to bargain with her mother. Begging her to take her life instead. This I couldn't let happen not when she healed me. She is going to hear what I have to say about what she's done. Her mother goes to grab her but instead I snatch her hand instead. I move to snap her neck, but the bitch does her voodoo magic and evaporated right in front of me.

Fucking witch.

I hear her cackling than came her threat. She won't take Aspen; I will not let her. I go to lecture Aspen on what she's done but I didn't have the heart to yell at this big-hearted angel. I tell her I loved her for the first time. And I meant it with my icy heart. I love this girl. Before we could round up the children, she grabs my hand. I turned around and looked at this beautiful lady in front of me.

"I never broken a law. It states a witch can use that spell for the good. Like.... Bringing her mate back.... You have a grace period of five minutes to begin the chant. So, I technically didn't do anything wrong." She softly spoke.

I watch as she walks down the hallway to round up the four children. When Shiloh rounded the corner, she broke down in tears. Why is she crying? She starts to sign a hundred miles an hour. Woah child, slow the hands down so I can read what she is saying.

"Is that what your nightmares have been about?" Aspen's sweet voice sounded through the room.

Shiloh nods her head yes frantically. Aspen signs just as fast as Shiloh so I couldn't catch a word she said... Impressive....

"Shiloh wants to tell everyone something important." Aspen says with a worried expression.

Shiloh reaches for Aspen's hand and Aspen gladly gives it to the little girl. Then Shiloh's small soft voice feels the room.

"My nightmares..... They're about what happened exactly like today. Except Brielle never helped Dimi. Dimi was already dead. Kali took Brielle and killed her in front of her other 3 mates. The sibling bond weakened those 3 but when she killed Brielle it nearly killed them. It weakened them so much Drix couldn't call upon his wolf. And she ended him with the same dagger as Dimi. Ri couldn't use his vampire side and she beheaded him. Pax was like human none of his three parts could show. And she burned him alive. I watched as she killed each and every last one of you. Each had their own painful death. She resurrected Brielle back and she saw what happened to each of her mates. She ended up with no heart at all. No emotions and Kali used it to her advantage. She turned Brielle evil. Brielle is very very powerful. Like she is the most powerful witch in the universe. Brielle came and killed everyone with Kali beside her. I watched as Brielle killed the guards. I watched as Kali killed Ty, Roe, and Dove. I watched as Brielle was to kill me but for some reason couldn't. I wasn't spared. Kali ended up lighting my body on fire with a spell. I would wake up screaming when I was set on fire." Shiloh says in a fast rushed voice.

"I couldn... I wou... No.. I cou..." Aspen couldn't even finish her words.

Aspen looks horrified and looks down at her hands. Tears fill her eyes, and she runs like her life is in stake. She runs as fast as lightening if thunder was on her ass. Before I could get the chance to stop her, she is out the door. She turns around with tears falling and looks at every single one of us in the eyes. She whispers her last words before she took off and is out of sight.

"I am so sorry. I am not evil. If I don't come back than she killed me. Or I killed myself. Remember I love each of you. Dimitri please don't go back to being closed off. Hendrix remember to always be your silly self. Paxton remember to always smile. And Orion please for the love of God keep your charming humor. Aphrodite and Thanos thank you. The kids I love you and I'll be watching over you."

With that she was gone. My brothers and I run as fast as our vampire speed could carry us but she was gone. All that was left was her Hibiscus scent that stirred in the wind. I will search for my queen until the end of time. That is a promise.

Edited: 1/28/24

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