Fun In The Sun

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A week after the engagement party.

I shuffled into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and ready to start cooking breakfast. "I need some coffee, stat. Then I'll make eggs and all the bacon we have. The twins need protein to start their day."

I looked up to see Cheryl meander in behind me. She gave me a crooked smile and reached for the coffee pot. "Morning, Toni. Something steamy to start your day?"

I nodded. "You read my mind."

Cheryl filled the cup for me, making it exactly how I liked it before passing it into my hands.

"So, you and the kids are hitting Coney Island this afternoon?"

I internally squealed. "All the rides and games we can handle. Sure you can't come?"

"Tempting, but-" Cheryl cuts off as the elevator dinged.

A moment later, Veronica entered the kitchen hoisting a paper bag and looking suspiciously bright-eyed for this early in the morning.

"Cherry!" She threw her arms around Cheryl, who barely managed to catch her.

"Oh! Veronica, what are you--"

"Saying good morning to my fiancee, duh!"

She tried to pull Cheryl in close, but Cheryl stepped back and cleared her throat. "We have company."

Veronica rolled her eyes. "It's just Toni."

I nodded. "Yeah, and I've lost my appetite anyway." I put the coffee mug down and started to turn away.

"Toni, you don't have to leave. This is your home too and Veronica needs to remember that."

Cheryl gave her a pointed look and Veronica shrugged. "Whatever. I'm here to see Toni anyway."

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and turned her back on Cheryl to face me. "Grab me a cup of coffee, and let's chat."

Cheryl sighed. "V, we talked about this. It's not appropriate to ask Toni to fetch you things."

Veronica made an annoyed face but moved to get her own cup of coffee. Moments later, the twins came trundling into the room with mussed hair.

"Morning. What's for breakfast?"

"Oooo, bacon! Score!"

I smiled. "I thought you guys could use a little treat for breakfast."

I started to set a plate of bacon down in front of Casey, but Veronica snatched it right out of my hand. "Woah-"

Cheryl's eyes widened. "Veronica, surely that's not necessary."

"This kind of unhealthy eating is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Toni."

"But bacon.." Chelsea frowned.

"Don't worry, Chels. I grabbed some fresh spinach and mushrooms to put in an egg white omelette for you and your brother." Veronica took two steps and dumped the plate of bacon over the trash can.



Cheryl and the twins shrieked all at once.

"That's so wasteful. You just threw out perfectly good food!" I snapped.

Veronica shrugged. "We can afford it."

"Are you- food waste is more than just money, you know."

She turned to Cheryl pathetically. "Cheryl, back me up here."

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