Diner Dash

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A few days later.

I tossed and turned in bed, stomach groveling for some 'real food' after Veronica's kale-centric dinner.

"This is hopeless. I'm never gonna fall asleep if I don't get some food in my stomach, asap."

I trudged through the penthouse towards the kitchen, only to find every cupboard opened and the culprit rummaging through the fridge. "Cheryl? What are you doing?"

Her head quickly spun around, guilty eyes staring at me before she smiled. "Same as you, I'm guessing? Searching for sustenance." She lets out a sigh, closing the door in defeat.

"Giving up?" I asked.

"Going out. I'm thinking of sneaking off for a burger and fries. Maybe a slice of pie? Definitely a milkshake."

My mouth watered at the thought. I'd kill for some fast food right now. Maybe I should go with her. Would that- No! She didn't invite you fool. You can't just-

"Would you like to come with? The twins are asleep and I'm sure Marcus could hold down the fort while we're gone." Cheryl said.

I tried to mask my excitement but the smile on her face said otherwise. "Of course, I'd love to."

. . .

After asking Marcus to watch the twins, Cheryl and I slipped out of the apartment.

I assumed we were going to a place nearby but Cheryl's been driving for twenty minutes now. "Dare I ask where you're taking me?"

She smirked. "You can ask.. but I won't tell. It's a surprise."

I thought back on the last few 'surprises' we've had and groaned. "I'm not so sure I like surprises."

"Really? I've recently come to like them."

"You mean like when Veronica surprised you on your birthday?" I asked rhetorically.

"Hm, I was thinking more about when you suddenly appeared into my life. Here we are." She finished off quickly and pulled up to a small diner.

I gave her a skeptical look to which she simply smiled and ushered me inside the restaurant.

I inhaled deeply as the smell of salt and grease filled my nose. "Is this heaven?"

A smiling waitress greeted us. "Grab a seat wherever you like and I'll be right with you."

Cheryl gestured for me to lead the way. "After you."

The two of us found a quiet booth in the back. I slid into my seat, deciding to sit next to Cheryl rather than across her. I sighed as I melted into her warm touch.


"Very. I could stay like this forever."

We shared a small, conspiratorial smile as the server hurried over.

"What can I get started for you?" She asked.

"What are your specials today?"

"We've got the Sweetheart Special right now. Perfect for a couple like you two, if you're interested."

I turned to Cheryl, whose cheeks burned pink as she tried to hide a smile. I reached for her hand and grinned. "Us? A couple? We're newlyweds, actually."

Cheryl batted her eyelashes, playing along. "Yeah, I can't imagine my life without her."

The waitress nodded. "Makes sense! You have that glow about you. Consider the Sweetheart Special on the house."

We put in the rest of our order and the woman left.

A quietness settled over the table before Cheryl suddenly asked, "You doing okay over there?"

I blinked away my daydreams. "Totally! I was just thinking about how I've never been here before. It's nice. I cook all the time but it always tastes better when someone does it for you. Especially if your cooking is terrible. Which... maybe mine is? Oh god, I've never asked you guys I just assumed--"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down." Cheryl gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's just me, Toni. You don't have to be nervous."

"Who said I was nervous?"

She just smiled and I scowled. "This is.. well, it's different. It's not the same as all the other times we've talked before."

Cheryl looked confused. "Cause we're at a diner?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Cause we're basically on a date. And you're engaged." I put my hands in my lap and stared down at them, refusing to look at Cheryl.

After a moment I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders. "I'm sorry, Toni. I was being insensitive to your feelings. I didn't invite you out here to make you feel bad. I just wanted to treat you to a piece of pie, promise."

I leaned into her touch, wishing all my troubles away. "I know, it's just.. it's all so confusing."

"Hope I'm not interrupting.." The waitress sat down a large strawberry milkshake and an extra straw. "The rest of your food will be right out."

As soon as she left, Cheryl looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate. I shook my head. "Let's just talk about something else."

"Are you sure? If you're upset about this.."

"We're not going to figure out anything tonight and honestly, I don't need Veronica to ruin my day any more than she already has."

The waitress then returned with our burgers and fries. "Here you are."

My stomach growled as I happily surveyed my plate. "I was right, this is heaven."

I dug into my food with total abandonment, only stopping to steal a stray fry off Cheryl's plate or sip from the milkshake. "Mhm, this is really good. Too bad it's such a long drive."

Cheryl nodded. "In the future, we'll just have to satisfy our sugar cravings in other ways."

"Oh? Got something particular in mind?"

She opened her mouth to respond, just as the waitress dropped off the pie.

I smirked as she walked away again. "You're not getting out of answering that easily."

Cheryl's eyes darkened. "You know exactly what I'm thinking, Toni."

I watched as she sunk a fork into the flaky pie crust, dug up a bite, and curled her lips around it.

"I want."

With a glint in her eyes, Cheryl speared a bite of pie and lifted the fork towards my lips. The dessert was rich and tart at the same time. I moaned at the taste.

Cheryl grinned at me and then hesitated.

"You've got a little something on your lip." She leaned closer, smoothing her thumb over the speck of cherry sauce.

My eyes fluttered shut.

Her phone suddenly buzzed on the tabletop, distracting us both with the loud vibration.

"Oh, I'd better take this." Clearing her throat, Cheryl got up and answered the phone. "Hello? Oh.. yes. I've been meaning to tell you."

Her eyes flicked back to me, unreadable. "Yeah, she's great. You want to.. next week? A-alright, Mom. See you then."

She lets out a long sigh as the line disconnects.

"What was all that?" I asked.

"My parents. They want to meet you."

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