Slippery When Wet

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Later that afternoon. After many more games and hot dogs, the picnic drew to a close.

I helped the twins get ready to leave. "Okay, guys. Marcus will be here any minute. Let's wipe our hands and throw away our trash."

"But my hands are super clean! Seeeee?" Casey held up his hands, which were covered in streaks of some sort of sauce.

I stifled a grin. "Then let's wipe them again, just to be extra sure. Yeah?"

He took off with his sister close behind, while I gathered the paper plates on the blanket. I felt someone hovering over me and I looked up to see Cheryl with an opened trash bag.

"I'll take those." She extended the bag to me and I disposed of the plates. The two of us fell into step together as we followed the twins towards the edge of the park where Marcus would pick us up.

"So, did you have a good time today?" Cheryl asked.

I nodded. "Mhm. I think the twins had a lot of fun."

She giggled lightly. "I'm glad to hear that, but that's not what I asked. You weren't here as just their nanny, Toni. I want you to have fun too."

"I had fun. But to be honest, this moment right here with you? It's been the best part of my day."  I admitted.

"The party planning committee will be disappointed to hear this.. but it's my favorite too." Cheryl smiled softly.

We walked and talked some more until I saw Marcus pulling up in the town car. Veronica and Jason stood waiting at the curb.

I cringed. "Looks like the ride home will be a little crowded tonight."

"Good thing I could get out of it for once. I always stayed behind and helped the cleaning crew after the picnic. It's the least I can do to show my appreciation for everything." Cheryl said.

"No one's too good to clean up their mess. Right, Mom?" Chelsea asked.

Cheryl looked at her proudly. "That's exactly right, cutie."

Casey grimaced. "But we don't have to stay.. right?"

His mom rolled her eyes playfully. "Not until you're a little older. No."

I tried to hide my smile at the look of relief on his face as he climbed into the car, followed by his sister.

"Yes, honey. Very inspiring. See you at home." Veronica blew Cheryl a kiss, then followed the twins.

Now only Jason was left standing, waiting for me. "Toni, are you coming?"

I looked at the crowded backseat and my soon-to-be squished middle seat, then at Cheryl.

She smiled at me encouragingly. "You're welcome to stay and help if you want. It won't take long between us and the crew. We usually divide and conquer to cover more ground."

I grinned, "Sounds like a great way to help out this afternoon."

"Sure. Just remember what I said." Jason gave me one last glare before he slid into the car, and it drove off.

Cheryl and I headed back to the picnic area and started picking up red cups and stray napkins together.

"Have you ever been to a big picnic like this before?" She asked.

"This was my first."

"And? What's the verdict?"

I smirked. "I'll let you know when I have one."

Cheryl and I locked eyes, then I turned away after a moment. I grabbed a stack of paper plates and slipped them into the trash bag.

"I bet you've been to a million of these things over the years." I said.

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