Rescue Me

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"What? Cheryl and I are just friends! Not even that! She's my boss and--"

"I'm not stupid, Toni." Veronica spat. "I've seen the way you follow your boss around like a little lost puppy."

I shook my head. "Trust me, it's--"

"Relax. I think it's cute that you have a crush on Cheryl. If I was threatened by you, I'd have to be threatened by every woman on the street."


"You are kind of randomly passing by. That's the nature of being hired help. You pop up, you go away, life moves on." She shrugged.

"We're like extras in a movie. No one cares about us, and nothing we do makes a difference." I grunted.

Veronica turned to me with a look of pity. "I'm sure someone cares about you. Just.. someone more on your level."

I scoffed. "What do you mean? Like some peasant?"

"No need to be so dramatic. I'm sure you can find someone who isn't a literally a peasant." She rolled her eyes.

"We're not as different as you think we are. Put me in a fancy dress and no one can tell us apart, I promise you."

"Yet, I'm the one going to the gala. Remind me, where will you be? Oh yes, back at the apartment, taking care of the kids. Look, I just don't want your little crush to give you the wrong impression. It's so easy to let your feelings cloud your judgement if you aren't careful. I know tough love can be hard to take sometimes, but as your role model, I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

Veronica finished and my jaw was literally on the floor. Satisfied, she bent to pick up the forgotten gown, then grabbed another garment bag. "Hmm, maybe I should try this one too, just in case. Be right back."

As soon as she left, I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found the person who was responsible for this horrible day. I took a deep breath and started typing..

I dont think Im gonna last a whole
afternoon w Veronica

What did she do?

What hasnt she done?
Im trying to not let her get to me
but good lord

She wears you down
I know the feeling all too well
What can I do?

Veronica's voice broke through my concentration, forcing me to look up from my phone. "Toni! Bring me my facial moisturizer! And don't drop it! One tub is worth more than your weekly salary."

I delivered the moisturizer as asked, then returned to my phone.


Ok, I have to ask
Is our relationship all in my head?

No, definitely not. Where's this coming

It's just something Veronica said.

Toni, please don't listen to her
She doesn't know anything about our
And she's a master at manipulation

I know I know, she's just getting on my
last nerve rn

I should've known she'd pull something
like this
She was so insistent when she asked
I didn't want to arouse suspicion by
resisting too much

Her mind games are srsly next level
Atp, I wonder if her assistant even has
a kid

I will make this right. Sit tight.

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