Sunday Funday

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Later that evening, after the twins were in bed.

I sat across from Cheryl trying to read my book, but my eyes kept drifting to her as she pored over work documents.

I cleared my throat to get her to look up. When she did I spoke, "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you.. where's Veronica?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm not sure. She left the office before I did. I figured she'd head home, but.." She shrugged.

My eyes narrowed. "And that doesn't bother you? She's your fiancee. I'm not saying you should keep tabs on her every second of every day, but it's been hours."

Cheryl sighed softly, her eyes still on her paperwork. "She gets pretty touchy any time I ask what she's up to. But no need to worry, Veronica can fend for herself."

I tried to think of another subtle way to ask more about Veronica's recent behavior, but Cheryl's attention were focused on her documents again.

I groaned. "Can we talk? Or are you gonna keep ignoring me?"

My tone got her attention, and she lowered her files to look directly at me. "Toni, you may not understand what happened today, but it was a work emergency. I had to go in. Someone in leadership had to look over those files."

I folded my arms. "Sure, and it couldn't wait until Monday?"

She sighed. "I can see why you're upset, but if I can get a jump on the upcoming workload now, I'll be able to be here more next week."

"But you can't get today back. It's always something with you. What's it gonna be next week? You'll get caught up in some conference call, or surprised by a random investor?"

I could see her frustration now. "You don't know that. I'm trying to manage my time here."

"I do know that." I challenged. "After working for you for months, I've noticed a pattern. Work always intrudes on family. It has a free pass. But family never intrudes on work. When have you ever left the office for them?"

Cheryl tossed the contract onto the couch, pages spilling everywhere. "This merger is the biggest move we've ever made. I have to focus! The twins will appreciate it when they're older."

"I'm pretty sure the only thing they'll appreciate is all the times their mom weren't there."

"I already told you, Toni. This is my legacy for them."

"You know what else you told me? That your dad all but missed your childhood building you this 'legacy.' Is that what you want for them?"

"I- I.." She stuttered, unsure what to say.  I could see the moment she realised history's on my side.


"I hate to do this to you at the last minute, but I was called in to handle an emergency at the office. Can you watch the twins today?"

"I have an important video conference in five minutes? Can you put them to bed for me?"

"Looks delicious, but I'm swamped today. Leave me some dinner in the fridge? I'll be back late!"

End of flashback.

Cheryl collapsed onto the couch, running her fingers though her hair. The rest of the contract spilled onto the floor as I sat beside her.

"My god.. you're right. I'm always running out the door. I'm not even sure how long it's been like this."

I placed my hand on her knee and gave it a comforting squeeze. "It doesn't have to stay that way. You still have Sunday. Make what time you do have count."

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