Chapter 5

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"The way I see it if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain."

After the scene from upstairs I have decided to go to the gazebo for a bit. Dinner wasn't quite done yet and the less time around Dimitri the better. Hendrix and Aphrodite has caught up to me and Aphrodite hands me a book to read.

"You look like you could use a book. I always read by the pond." Aphrodite says.

"Thank you!" I reply to her and I gently take the book from her hands without looking at the title.

"I'm sorry for Dim's behavior." Hendrix has apologized over his brother's words.

"Uhhh. It is fine. No worries Hendrix." I respond to him.

"I'm just going to go by the pond and read this book. I'll be back for dinner." I added with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. They both let me head towards the direction of the pond without anymore interference. I see movement on the third floor balcony to my right. When I glance up and I see Dimitri watching me with a gloomy expression.

What is he gloomy about? He is the one whom bit my head off earlier and was rude.

Scuffing I turn my head facing the direction I needed to go. After a fifteen minutes walk to the gazebo I look down at the book and read the title.

Supernatural Creatures & Healing

I smiled mentally thanking Aphrodite for this book. She knew I would need to know this if I was to go to my dream college. This Queen is a blessing and I will forever be grateful for her. I open the page to the table of contents and look at each chapter. It's a book about supernatural creatures, what they are, what they eat, how they act, and how they heal. I flip to the werewolf section of the book.

Werewolves have one destine mate. It is said if they reject their mate for a chosen mate they will die. This is incorrect, they however will still feel the bond with their destine mate. They can mate with their chosen mate but their children won't be as powerful as with their destine mate. Werewolves heal faster than any other creature except vampires. Wolfsbane depending on the amount can be deadly to a werewolf. It is poison to them. However, if acted upon quickly it won't have any permanent damage. If not acted upon it can and will lead to death.

The werewolf section has grabbed my attention. So I flip to the witch section to learn more.

Witches are also powerful creatures. They however, can be killed quite quickly. If a witch is hexed and they can't undo the spell it will slowly kill them. Hexing is illegal due to dark magic. If one practices dark magic at any given time and is caught; punishment can be imprisoned or death. Witches don't have mates they are free to choose who they want as their partners. Witches prefer to make medicine and remedies out of herbs and plants. They can heal any creatures with their magic. They're one of the best warriors to have in a fight or war.

This section has my interest but I flip to vampires to learn more about them.

Vampires can be the most feared creatures. They need blood to survive but by law they can't harm humans. Vampires can't die unless you behead them. They heal the fastest out of all creatures and they have one beloved in their lifetime. If a human was to get pregnant by a vampires it could lead to death. As their bodies weren't meant for such creatures. There has been more cases of humans surviving this if they choose to be turned. In some cases they survived while staying human. These cases are rare.

Interesting to read but I flip over to the tribrid section.

Tribrid's can heal from injuries with a speed that's not comparable to normal vampires. Their blood also retains the vampiric ability to heal others. So if a mother is pregnant with tribrids they are able to heal their mother while in the womb. They can have one mate. Only one. It will be their destine mate. Tribrids vampire part can't over power the destine mate bond. It is sacred and can't not be broken. This is the only creature whom can't not break the destine mate bond. They are bonded for life.

"Aspen dinner is ready!" Hendrix voice calls out to my unconscious state. I start to smell the ocean mixed with peppermint and feel myself being lifted off the seat. I want to know who has picked me up but I never opened my eyes to see.

"Stupid girl why are you reading about our kind for? Your summer hibiscus breeze is making my wolf go haywire. It is so damn aggravating." He whisper to himself.

His voice.

I know that voice.


I peek one eye open and get the side view of Dimitri's face. In complete and utter shock I close my eye. My heartbeat begins to beat faster. I already know he knows I am awake so I decided to face my fears. I slowly pretend to wake up and I lift my head off his shoulders to look around. We have reached the back door.

"Sorry!" Is all I could muster up. Dimitri scuffs lowly and drops me on the back porch....

Right on my backside without warning.

"Owww!" I cry out. "You didn't have to drop me. I would have walked in on my own two feet." I sass back while rubbing my ass.

I walk passed the stunned Dimitri into the kitchen.

Stupid tribrid.

Who does that!

"Oh good she's awake. Did you enjoy the book?" Aphrodite asks

"Yes ma'am. Thank you." I reply.

"Great now we can eat. Since someone had us waiting a damn hour!" The screeching banshee says.

"Lisa mind your manners. And what are you doing here anyways?" Hendrix growls out.

"Dimi invited me so bite me." Lisa sasses back.

"Be careful I might grant your wish!" Hendrix whispers in a deadly voice, showing his wolf canines.

"Enough!" Dimitri yells out. Startling myself.

"Sorry I fell asleep by the pond. It won't happen again." I apologize.

"Nonsense! It is fine love." Thanos ensures me.

"I know you don't eat some meats so we made you grilled veggies, steak medium rare and a baked potato. I hope that is okay?" Aphrodite adds in.

"Yes ma'am. It sounds wonderful." I reply back to her. The conversations are going. And I decide to ask Aphrodite this one question that is plaguing my mind.

"Aphrodite can you teach me about herbs and crystals?" I ask her. All conversations have come to a dead stop when my small voice has been heard.

"It would be an honor to." Aphrodite say with a beaming smile.

"Why the hell does she need to learn that shit for?" Dimitri growls out.

"To make a remedy that will make you happier and less of a dick." I whisper. His chair has now scraped across the floor and has slammed against the floor from tipping backwards. I jump from the sound of the crash. That was until I feel his hand grab my face and roughly turn my head in his direction. He moves his mouth by my ear and his breath hits the side of my face.

"Watch yourself...... Mate." He whispers with a silent yet deadly threat behind it. He stalks off toward the kitchen and you hear the door that leads outside slam shut.

"Don't worry he always has to take a run when his temper rises." Hendrix reassures me.

Lisa has left to go to who knows where. All that matters is she is gone for now. Dinner is ate in silence after that until Dimitri came waltzing back into the dining room and opens his big mouth.

"Sorry for my outburst. I'm going to head to bed." He says to I'm guessing his aunt and uncle while he is making eye contact with me. My insides decided to do a flip and I feel butterflies in places they shouldn't be. This feeling and his stare is making me uncomfortable. That is until he walks out the dining room and heads for the stairs. The room remains silent as he climbs the stairs.

Bloody Tribrid and his sexy stupid face.

The silence was replaced by laughter.

"Did I say that out loud?!" I asked mortified. Hendrix has a silly smile on his face and that's all the answering I needed.

Edited: 1/27/24

#No_Escape (Book 1) [Editing as of 10/2024]Where stories live. Discover now