14º Chapter

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I couldn't stop my eyes from roaming around the room.

Everything was so pretty around us, the lights, the decoration, the awards that were perfectly organized and aligned by category on one of the tables in the corner of the medium size room. That looked like it was taken straight out from a movie or from one of the real awards shows I've seen on TV so many times.

I tried not to stumble on my own dress as I walked along the red carpet with Jensen right beside me. His hand never left the small of my back in a reassuring way and led me towards the center of the room, in contrast to every red carpet I've seen. Here there was a single photographer taking some pictures of the guests, probably someone of their trust not to post any pictures of tonight and leak it on the internet.

It was our time to be in the center of the red carpet and smile for the picture, so I tried to pose as best as I could. But feeling the warm breath of Jensen's on the back of my neck isn't helping me at all in trying to look presentable.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" — His voice was no more than a whisper close to my ear and I couldn't help but smile at his words and probably blush a little too because I could feel my cheeks warming up.

"Probably twenty times... but you can say it again." — I Looked at him from behind my shoulder and I think that was the moment the photographer decided to take a beautiful frame because I could see the flash hitting my eyes through my peripheral vision.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart!" — He whispered again before selling our lips in a sweet but small kiss.

The dinner was going more than perfect, obviously we had already drank too much for our own good, but we were still having the time of our lives.

The sound coming from the pulpit in the center of the room caught everyone's attention because Rob was hitting the microphone, funnily, himself already a little tipsy.

"So, as most of you already know because you're here since season one, it's time to start calling our winners to get their awards. I tell you right now that everyone was involved in this voting, so don't blame it on me!" — He said, making everybody laugh at his words.

The names were being called randomly, first he called the award, and then he would tell everyone the winner of it and everyone was having a blast at some reactions to the awards given.

"This award is kind of funny, you know... The award from the most toxic couple in the entire show so far goes to... The giant over there and his beautiful girlfriend!" — Rob called, making everybody applaud and laugh at the nicknames he gave them. — "Get off my stage!" — He said after handing them the award and Jared, being Jared, obviously had to make a whole speech about how he loved Gen from the bottom of his heart. Little reminder of not letting him drink this much at his wedding.

A couple more names were called before everyone went wild with the next award he called.

"Well, everybody knows who's going to win this one, but let's see... the Womanizer of the show award goes to... Squirrel, get your ass up here!" — Before Jensen got up from his chair and went to get his award. He gave me a small peck in the lips, leaving me there with probably hearts in the place where my eyes were before, because I just love him that much.

"Thank you, thank you... I don't know if I'm a womanizer, but what can I say? Dean has some moves." — Jensen said, making everybody including me laugh our asses off before he got kicked out of the stage, that apparently Rob doesn't want to share the spotlight with anyone.

"There's only one award left to give, and it might be the most important one of the night, ladies and gentlemen!" — Rob said, his eyes scanning the crowd slowly. — "And the 'Best family member' award goes too... Claire Jones!"- My body jumped slightly on my seat at his words, probably he made a mistake, he definitely made a mistake.

"But, I'm not..." — I started to say, just to be stopped by Gen's voice.

"Shut the fuck up, babe, and go get your award!" — She said, once again using her mom's voice on me because she knows I can't say no to that. I got up from my seat, walking slowly to the stage where Rob was with the award in his hand and a big bright smile on his face while he waited for me patiently.

"As a great character will say eventually, no spoilers... 'Family doesn't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either'." — Rob said, giving me a tight hug, the award was put in my hand before I could say anything and just like the rest of them... I was kicked out of stage with a smile so big that it can't even fit in my face.

The dinner didn't end there, because after that everyone started to dance to the songs the DJ was playing on the stage. The place that Rob's refused to leave even for a second, even throwing a tantrum when Felicia tried to get him out of there.

Everyone was dancing so happily that I almost forgot that I'll leave in a couple of days, but everyone was so happy right now. I don't think I have ever seen Jensen smile this much since I met him and I couldn't bring myself to even mention my departure to him at the moment... it can wait, I can wait.

"Me and Gen are leaving... could you crash in Gen's apartment tonight?" — Jared asked, looking directly at Jensen that just smiled drunkenly at his best friend, so I decided to step in this time.

"He can... don't worry about him!" — I said, trying to sound much more sober than I really was because truth be told... I'm the worst of them, I just pretend better than the actors around here.

"Goodnight then doll. Take care of her, Jay!" — Jared said before giving both of us a quick hug and disappearing in the middle of the crowd.

"What if we get out of here?" — Jensen asked, looking straight into my eyes, the smirk on his face didn't leave much to imagination about his intentions once we left this place. I was lying if I said I wasn't thinking the exact same thing as him, we've waited long enough.

"Let's go handsome." — I said, before grabbing his hand on mine and leading our way out of the room. Once we've said our goodbyes to everybody, most of them take longer than others because I don't know if I will see them again before I leave.

Maybe this will be the best night I have had since I've got to Vancouver, or maybe I'll be the worst, but I'm ready to get it all off my chest tonight, the good and the bad. Because I couldn't help myself from crying inside everytime I think about leaving... leaving him.

Seeing the way Jensen looked at me in the whole ride on the cab to Gen's apartment made me realize something... If this man is indeed in love with me, I don't think that there are enough words that can describe the way I feel about him.

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