40º Chapter

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I can't believe that the boys really pulled this together without spilling a word! Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond happy with being here and especially because Gen is here with all of us, but Jared is terrible at keeping secrets, so I'm really impressed by that.

We spent most of our first night here gathering around the fire, Misha being his usual self, tried to tell some dad jokes that made everybody laugh even if it was a horrible joke.

Gen and Jared went to their room really early, leaving only me, Jensen, Misha, Mark, Alex, Ruth, Kim, and Samantha to play some charades game until everyone were so tired that they pass out in the living room. That's the only way that I am going to be able to snick myself into Jensen's room.

"Go to your room, I'll meet you in five minutes." — I whispered, my lips so close to his ear. I know my hot breath may have woken some goosebumps on his skin, but I didn't really have enough time to appreciate the effect I have on him, when everybody is still so awake around us. — "Well, I'm calling it a night, see you tomorrow." — My voice came out louder this time, just enough for everyone in the living room to hear me.

"Me too, tomorrow we have a full day ahead of us." — Misha, or the cock blocker as we call him, just knows the perfect time to do things, because he just ruined my chances to get into Jensen's room instead of mine.

"Let's go then, Feather. I'm dying here." — I said, trying to get him moving faster than he was currently. The faster I got him into his own room, the faster I could get out of mine and sneak to the bed where I really want to sleep in.

I was behind him all the way to the first floor, my hands were on his back, making him move faster. But Misha just laughed at my failed attempt to move him and leaned back, making it such a much harder task for me to push him up the stairs and to the door that lead to his own room. Fucking rich people! If the boys haven't got such a big cabin with so many rooms we would have to share and that way I could find an excuse to share a room with Jensen without anyone suspecting anything, but no... Let's be rich and rent an 8-bedroom cabin in the mountains.

"Sleep well, little demon. If you need anything, I'm just across the hall." — His voice was quieter in here. Not really wanting to bother the couple that either is sound asleep by now or are silently training to make a baby in the future, either way, nor Misha or I want to disturb them.

"Night Misha!" — I gave a quick kiss to his cheek and tried to stand there, so I could watch him enter his room, that way I could spare myself the time to pretend to enter in my room. Apparently Misha wants to really watch me get into my own room because he just stood there looking at me with sleepy eyes.

I sigh when I realized that he wasn't moving any time soon, so my hand reached the knob of my door and I entered the warm room that Jensen had chosen for me. It was right next to his which was supposed to help us to sneak out of our own rooms to the others, but with Misha around, I think we will have a hard time in doing that.

I waited around 10 minutes after putting my pajama on along with the cozy robe I had brought on at the airport as soon as we landed here. The cabin was already quiet, no footsteps or soever was heard, so I took that chance to slowly get out of my room and tiptoed to the door next to mine.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I was finally inside the room where Jensen should be laying by now. But the only thing I found was a still perfectly made bed and no Jensen to be seen.

I was about to get myself under the covers when I saw the door that leads to the bathroom being open and the men I love emerging from the fog that is entering the room. The towel around his hips didn't stop me from looking up at his wet torso, paying attention to the little drops that were still falling from his hair.

"Hey..." — His hand grabbed the end of my back, pulling me towards him. His lips gently rubbed against mine, making me want nothing more but to stop the time around us and just stay here in his arms, with his lips on mine for the rest of my life.

"You know? It should be illegal for someone to look this sexy at 3 a.m" – My hands traveled to the back of his neck, pulling his face towards mine, so I could properly kiss him for the first time today. I heard his muffled laugh and felt it against my lips, which only made me smile.

"You haven't seen yourself, right?" — He whispered, kissing the top of my head before taking a step away from me. The room was warm, but not warm enough for him to be comfortable when he is still wet from his shower. — "Most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." — He smiled at me while he let his towel fall on his feet, so he could start dressing himself.

"Oh stop it... You're going to make me blush." — I smiled, trying to sound as shy as I could, when in reality we both know that I just love to hear him saying things like this.

"I'm being serious, I just wish you could see yourself with my eyes for just a moment... You would realize that you are indeed the most perfect person I ever laid my eyes on." — He didn't stop what he was doing while he talked, but I could contain the blush that was starting to show on my already too warm cheeks.

"Can I ask you something?" — I don't really know what came to me, but suddenly I had this urge to ask him what I've been dying to do for a long time. I watched his eyebrows frown at his forehead while he took his place next to me on the bed.

"Everything..." — He grabbed my body, pulling me towards his own, so I could let myself be comfortable almost on top of him. But this time, instead of just laying my head on his chest like I always do, I just looked at him, letting my chin rest on his chest.

"Why me?" — I asked, I felt him tense underneath me before he let out a deep breath that he was probably holding for some time.

"I don't know... It's easy with you. From the first time I talked to you back in the airport to this moment we are right now, you make everything seem so easy." — He started, his fingers were combing my hair lightly, making my eyes want to shut so bad. — "Around you, I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not or pretend that I like to do something just because you expect me to... You were my best friend before being the woman I love. You knew the real me, the clumsy me, the goofy me and somehow... you loved every version of myself and some of them I don't even like, but you do..." — His eyes were glassy by the end of his sentence, but he wasn't tensed anymore, he was somehow relieved that he said it.

"I know what you meant... I feel the exact same way." — I said, giving a quick kiss on his lips before letting my head finally rest on his chest, my eyes already closing and letting my body be consumed by the exhaustion. — "Will you marry me?" — I asked, more asleep than I was awake, but the smile on my face was impossible to not appear when I heard him whisper a little and sweetly.

"I will"

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