67º Chapter

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You know that feeling when you wake up from the most perfect dream you've ever had? That feeling that lasts only a couple of seconds before reality comes rushing down on you?

I had that feeling today when I woke up. I've been feeling it quite a lot for the past few months, but the odd thing is that reality never sets in because the dream is the reality.

Our lives have been messy for the past two months, that's true, but even with all that is happening, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

After the trial, Danneel has been sent to a mental hospital for security purposes because, according to the judge, she might be a threat to herself and the people around her. So she has to stay there for at least a year.

We decided then that it was time to actually buy a place for us, nothing really fancy, a simple house with only two bedrooms because the girls said that they didn't mind sharing and a small backyard.

The worst thing in that house was to be thirty minutes away from my old neighborhood, but obviously destiny wouldn't let me down after everything was going so well.

After an unexpected news, we had to start looking for houses again, this time one with at least three bedrooms.

"How are you feeling?" — Jensen appeared from nowhere, closing his arms around my body from behind, making me lean into his warm touch.

"Hungry and with a serious problem about controlling my urge to cry..." — I couldn't believe that I've been fighting my tears back since the girls had begged me to watch 'Bambi' with them in the morning, but it's so sad to watch that little baby being without his mother.

"I figured..." — I know that he is controlling himself to not laugh and make fun of me, because he knows that last time he did it, I spent almost all afternoon crying my eyes out. — "That's why I bought chocolate cake for dessert." — I turned my body in his direction, so I could take a proper look into his eyes.

"I don't know if I told you today, but... I really do love you." — I leaned into him, so I could steal a kiss from his lips that we're just smiling widely against my own.

"I love you too, and I love this little peanut that is already driving your hormones crazy." — I watched him get his face closer to my small belly. It is already showing which is strange because when I was pregnant from Summer I just started to look pregnant around five months later after finding out.

"About that... Gen said they were already on their way here and tomorrow it's our time to go there for lunch." — I pecked his lips one last time before turning my back on him, so I could continue to prepare the lunch that Gen begged me to prepare for her because she was craving it since last night.

"Little Odette is coming in no time, and then I hope those two stop fucking like rabbits." — I couldn't stop laughing at his words because it was so true, they need to close the baby store once and for all because Gen is becoming a really grumpy pregnant lady.

"Gen told me that after Odette is born she will start using the pill, and she won't stop ever again... I think she is done being pregnant." — I heard him opening up the fridge, probably to put the cake in there, so it would be good to eat by the time of dessert.

"What about you? You're done being pregnant?" — I heard him from the corner of the much larger kitchen of our new house, and I had to smile at his words.

"Not really... I love being pregnant, and would do this every year if I could, especially if you're the father because... have you looked at Summer? She's gorgeous with those green eyes and the freckles." — I heard him laugh, and finally I finished cutting the vegetables, so I could look at him.

"You've got yourself a deal, my friend, but promise me that you won't get pregnant every year... maybe just one more after this little one is born?" — I took a step closer to him, so I could put my arms around his neck.

"One more and we close the store, it's a deal." — I whispered before closing our lips together, enjoying the feeling of finally having him so close to me and without having the fear of losing him again.

Lunch went great, having those two as neighbors was something that Jensen and I really appreciate and thank God Miss Flink when she decided to sell the house to us.

Gen was almost six months pregnant more or less but this time she thinks she isn't going to hit the nine months pregnancy because Odette is impatient to come out according to what the doctor said today.

She's also grumpier than she used to be during her last pregnancies, and I feel sorry for Jared and the boys sometimes.

The kids we're all outside playing with Rory, our little Labrador that we got for the girls a couple of weeks back. Yes, I called my dog Rory because no one would let me name my kid Rory even if it was a girl.

We were enveloped in our conversation when Jensen's phone started to ring in the living room, he excused himself before disappearing from our sight.

I heard his voice starting to rise while he spoke from the living room, but I was so lost in what Gen was saying that I didn't pay much attention to it.

"What do you think is going to be?" — Gen asked, finally finishing our conversation about what color am I painting the nursery because honestly I still haven't decided about that yet, and Jensen said that he is going to surprise me.

"Jensen doesn't want to believe me, but I honestly think that is going to be another girl... he is going insane." — I laugh at my own words, and Jared was laughing too because he knows damn well that I'm right.

"Well, I think it's a girl too... you have that sparkle in you, you know? The same you had when you were pregnant with Summer." — Jared said, taking another bite of the chocolate cake in front of him.

"I feel it too... the same feeling I had back then, it's..." — I was interrupted when I saw Jensen rushing into the dining room abruptly, his face was pale and his hands were trembling hard. I immediately felt like my world was crumbling down on me, the ground was being swept off my feet without further notice, and I watched his green eyes feel with unshed tears.

"We have to go...now." — He looked like he was lost in his own house because he started to pace around the living room gathering some stuff in his hands and pockets. — "Jared, grab the kids and meet us at the cabin, ok?" — He didn't make any sense, and that's why neither of us has moved an inch from our places apart from me. I was too, gathering stuff in my hands, without much questioning.

"Man, you're not making any sense... What's wrong?" — Jared asked, a half smile present on his lips, but soon it would vanish, and I somehow knew that I didn't need to question anything because Jensen wouldn't just burst into the dinning room panicking about nothing. He had a reason, and a pretty big one.

"She's missing... Danneel run away from the hospital, and now she's missing. That was the fucking police calling me and telling me to get out of the house as fast as I could. Probably because the only thing that she talked about in the hospital was how when she left the place, she would come look for all of us. So fucking grab the kids and met me in the fucking cabin."

I felt lightheaded... I felt numb.

That's how you're supposed to feel when you're having a dream...numb.

Oscar Wilde was right from the beginning of my story... People always said and always promised that dreams can come true, but everyone forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too.

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