66º Chapter

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It's been exactly one month and a half since Jensen's and Justice's first trial.

Today is the final court session, and I must confess that I'm nervous.

Jensen was heard somewhere along the way, just like Jared himself.

Apparently, to the judges, hearing Jensen's best friend was kind of a big deal.

And Danneel's actions were also a very big deal.

She was diagnosed with OCD, and had to keep a nurse with her 24/7 to avoid any kind of attempt to hurt Justice or herself.

She never tried anything until two days ago.

Jensen got a call saying that she tried to commit suicide and Justice was sent to our home while Danneel went to the hospital.

The nurse found Danneel in the bathroom, she had her OCD pills next to her, and the bottle was completely empty. Justice was playing in the backyard, so she only noticed something was wrong when 911 arrived.

We are not sure of what Justice saw or heard that day, but for now, she seems fine, and with no trauma or memories of that afternoon.

With every passing session the paparazzi around the courthouse were growing and today, knowing that is going to be the last one, it's no exception.

Ruth was the person that we called last night asking if she could take care of the kids while we came here today, since the judge told Jensen that, due to Danneel's situation, Justice didn't have to be present.

This time, even Gen refused to stay home, even with her 5 months pregnancy ongoing, she wanted to be here for Jensen.

I felt like my heart was going to explode as soon as the judge Lauren passed through the door.

My hand was squeezed by Gen's as soon as we got up from our seats, welcoming the jury.

"Good afternoon everyone. You may be seated. We are gathered here today, to close the process of miss Justice's custody, and the divorce of miss Danneel and mister Jensen Ackles"— I was surprised when Danneel entered the courthouse. I could see that we all were.

"I'm sorry I'm late miss Lauren, my Uber got stuck in traffic"— she said while walking towards her seat. She seemed fine for a person who just tried to end her own life. I wonder if the judge knows about that event...

"Since this is the last session and my decision has been made, you don't need to worry, miss Danneel"— the judge replied. Danneel nodded and started talking with her attorney.

"As I was saying, this is the last session and my decision has been made. However, I want to ask if there is any new proof or evidence that any of the attorneys want to bring to court?" — I looked at Bob, to see his reaction. He didn't move or say a word, so I suppose that the judge knew about what happened.

I could see Jensen trembling hands holding the wooden table in front of him so hard that his knuckles were turning white. If it wasn't for Gen's hand holding mine so tight, I would probably already have started to rip my nail polish off.

We were all waiting patiently as the judge and all the members of the jury spoke in whispers, but the decision was already made and nothing will change that.

"Well, since none of you have something to say, I'll now give the final verdict. Due to the recent actions of Miss Danneel, and as she proved that she cannot take care of herself, how much more so for a child. The full custody of Justice Jay Ackles will be given to mister Jensen, even though he is not her biological father.

He has shown more love and concern for her, than her own biological parents and with that he is worthy to have the full custody of his child." — We didn't even have time to process or even to celebrate what the judge just said, because Danneel's voice echoed through the courthouse.

"What the hell? Are you fucking kidding me?! You fucking bitch! You cannot take my baby away from me! She needs me! Jensen needs me! If I hadn't shown up in his life, he would still be a no one miserable man."

"I'm not done, Miss Danneel! Besides the custody, I'll approve the divorce, and you'll be sent to a mental institution, due to your psychotic condition." — My jaw dropped. I was shocked and not expecting this decision at all. Not that Danneel did not deserve it, but I really wasn't expecting this final.

"How dare you? I'm not crazy, I'm just a woman that is desperate to get her baby and her husband back. I didn't try to kill myself the other day... I was just trying to be healthy for them." — I couldn't believe what I heard coming from Danneel's mouth. I always thought that she was crazy, but I never imagined that she was this bad.

"Miss Danneel, my decision has been made, and the jury was unanimous. One piece of advice, your ex-husband is happy, and you might get to be happy in the future, so don't ruin the chance that I'm giving you to have a life again in the future." — Judge Lauren didn't take her eyes away from Danneel while she spoke.

"The court sessions and this process are over. Dismissed"— as soon as she got up from her seat, a small smile appeared on her lips while her eyes travelled to Jensen's still trembling figure.

Jensen didn't even have time to come in our direction before a big Moose attacked him in a giant bear hug.

"You did it, bro! Justice is safe, and you'll finally have peace"— both of them started crying, while Gen and I joined their crying party.

"We are all safe now, finally"— Jensen said while his arms crushed my body in a hug. My tears started running down my face, I felt relieved for the first time in a couple of years.

"Babe, I'm pregnant"— I whispered in his ear -" I couldn't hide my emotions anymore. I confirmed this morning".

He looked at me in complete shock, but a small smile was starting to form in her face, and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding for so long.

Finally, I was living the dream that I always wanted, and I couldn't stop the tears of happiness that were falling from my eyes.

Jensen is here, Justice is safe, Danneel is in the proper place that she deserves, Summer is beyond happy for finally having a sister to play with, and we have a baby on the way.

Nothing in a million years can ever ruin this dream.

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