New York / Harryween night two.

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Harry Styles

I went on a run again this morning, and funny enough I saw Drew. I also decided to run the same route as he showed me yesterday morning.

"Drew," I said, he turned and stopped. "Hey" he said, "have you seen your sister this morning?" I asked him, "I think she's at a nail appointment, she told me she would come and eat lunch with me" he told me. I nodded, "why?" he asked me. "Just asking" I smiled, it was not my place to say anything to him if she didn't want that.

"Look who I ran into," Drew said. I saw Avalanna walk inside Drew's kitchen. I took a shower here since I still had some of my clothes here from yesterday. "Hi" Avalanna said, "hey" I just smiled.

"I'm going again, I'm sorry I can't have lunch" she said, "you just got here" Drew said, "and I have to go" she said.

Drew looked at me, "what did you do?" he asked me. "I didn't-" "It's not Harry, it's just.. I have a few things to get done" she said. "Don't you have till three?" Drew asked her, "you'll stay for lunch Ava, end of discussion" Drew told her. "You don't really have a say in where I go, Drew" she told him, "I don't?" Drew asked her, "no because you're not my dad," she said. "No cause you don't have one, remember?" he asked her.

I felt like I shouldn't be here, I was in the middle of their fight. I didn't like this. "And you have one?" she asked him, she was uncomfortable talking about this, I could see it. "Yeah I do, at least he wanted to be a part of my childhood, he was never there for you, not even when you were born, you never even met him!" Drew told her.

And then she left, I looked at him. "I should get going" I told him and got up, "I'm sorry" he told me. "Maybe you should talk to her before we leave" I just said, "We leave tomorrow at eight" I told him, "thanks" he said.

"Have you seen Ava?" I asked Jeffrey, "she came an hour ago" he nodded. "Maybe she's with Lambert in the dressing room" he told me. I walked down the hallway. I opened the door to the dressing room. She was in here with Lambert and Mitch. Though she was sitting on the couch with her phone and a pair of headphones in.

I was about to sit on the couch, "don't" Lambert told me. "She's mad or something" Mitch nodded, "she walked in and told us to leave her alone, I wouldn't talk to her, I would just-" I took one of her headphones out of her ear. She looked up, and I sat down.

"Oh" Lambert said, "Drew told he's sorry and he wants to talk to you" I said. "Oh so you're best friends with him now?" she asked me, she got up and walked out. "I told you she was mad" Mitch said, I got up and walked out as well.

I saw Avalanna sit in the cafeteria with Jeffrey on the other side of the table. I walked over, I took a seat. I didn't say anything at first. "I'm sorry Ava, Drew said something yeah and I was there and I shouldn't have been, that was private-" "It doesn't really matter Harry" she told me. "Whenever he gets mad and the conversation leads to our biological dad, he uses it against me" she told me. "This isn't the first time" she said and got up, I saw her walk out.

"What's happening?" Jeffrey asked me, "she had a little argument with Drew," I said. I got up, "maybe you should just let her be then" Jeffrey told me. "She's clearly sad Jeff, I don't-" "And maybe she is, but are you the right person to solve it?" he asked me.

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