Berlin / You'll never walk alone.

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Point of view from Harry for a change ;) enjoy xx.

Harry Styles

We landed two hours ago, we had today off before the show tomorrow. So I walked into the bus I knew Avalanna was in. "Hey," I said to Lambert, he was on his laptop on the couch. "Looking for Avalanna I assume?" he smiled, I nodded. "she's playing a game with Mitch in there" he told me.

I walked into the room, Avalanna and Mitch were sitting across from each other on the floor. Playing a board game. Avalanna was wearing one of my t-shirts, I could tell.

I walked over to sit on the couch. Mitch looked up, "what's up?" Mitch said. "Where's your girlfriend?" I asked him, " don't know," Mitch said. "Did you ask Sarah to be your girlfriend?" Ava asked mitch. "I did," Mitch nodded, "shouldn't you spend time with her?" I asked him. "Not when I can spend time with yours" Mitch smiled, "Sarah is hanging with Nellie" Mitch said, "so that doesn't mean you can just steal mine" I laughed, "that's exactly what it means Harry" Mitch said.

Mitch walked out to speak to someone on his phone, "want to go watch a movie with me?" I asked Ava, it was raining outside, it was not smart to go out explore the city and risk getting sick.

Avalanna nodded, and she got up. I pulled her over to me. "Did you steal this?" I whispered and touched the shirt. "Maybe" she told me, "is that a problem?" Avalanna asked me. "Not at all" I said, "you can always steal my clothes," I told her.

I laid down on the couch beside Avalanna, and we found a random movie on the television. Lambert and Mitch were gone, leaving us alone in the bus.

By the time the movie ended I was laying with my head on Avalanna's thighs. I was looking up at her. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked her, and she smiled a little. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" she asked me, "yes," I nodded. "Okay" she said, "then I guess I can be your girlfriend" she smiled.

I sat up, "then I only think it's fair if we move you over to my bus" I said, "it's filled Harry" she told me. "Then I'll come here" I said, "okay" she said.

Nellie walked in, "lovebirds, do you guys want to go to the german market?" she asked us. I looked out, "it's not raining anymore" I told Avalanna. "we're all going," Nellie smiled before she walked into the other room.

I walked out of the bus with Mitch and Jeffrey, I saw Avalanna with Sarah and Nellie. "Where's lambert?" Mitch asked, "went back to get his phone" Nellie answered him. I walked over to Avalanna, "hey" she told me. "Hi" I said, we waited for Lambert to come out.

We walked down the street, we were heading to a market Nellie found online. It was an outdoor market. Should be nice. I walked with Mitch and Lambert. Jeffrey was walking beside Sarah and up front was Nellie and Avalanna.

"How does it feel to have a girlfriend?" Sarah asked me, I looked down. "Word travels fast" she smiled, I looked at Mitch. "I really like her," I said, "we can tell," Sarah smiled. "It's nice to see you happy," Mitch said. I nodded, "she makes me happy" I nodded.

"There it is," Nellie told us, on the other side of the street. I looked over, "there's a lot of people," Lambert said. I looked at Avalanna. I knew she was struggling when it came to big crowds. "Just go ahead, Ava and I will catch up" I said and they walked away from us. I walked closer to Avalanna.

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