Florence / Sunsets fades and love does too.

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Avalanna Carlson

"Merry christmas" I heard, "it's not christmas for six more days" I told Drew. I was on facetime with him, "I know, I'm just sad we don't get to be together" he smiled. "It's alright, I'll see what I can do for new years eve though" I smiled. "I need to run, work" I said, "right, I'll call tomorrow" he said, I hung up.

I walked into the room, "finally" Davina smiled. "Jake, this is Avalanna, she's one of our best here" Davina smiled. I saw a guy, brown hair and a big smile on his face. "Hi" I smiled, "hi Avalanna, I'm Jake" he said and shook my hand. "Jake is from New York, he's been in a few movies," Davina told me. "An actor" she said, "cool" I said.

"Yeah, I need a suit for the Met gala, they invited me and they pushed it to the end of january, which is next month so my time is limited with finding someone to make the suit" he told me. "We can help you" Davina said, "Avalanna here has worked with many people, she's good and talented, she'll make it for you" Davina smiled.

"So what do we do?" Jake asked me, "I'll take a few measurements first," I told him. "Right," he smiled, "so you're american and live here?" he asked me. "Yeah," I nodded, "I'm from Los Angeles," I told him. "I live there" he told me, "well partly since I also have a place in New york" he said. "My brother lives in New york" I told Jake, "cool, what does he do?" Jake asked me. "He's a lawyer" I told him, "so you're a stylist and he's a lawyer, awesome family" he said, I smiled.

Three days later I stood in a coffee shop with jake. "Is it weird, drinking hot coffee in Italy, people give me looks?" he smiled. "Maybe a little" I laughed a little. "So you told me you were not going home for christmas?" I asked him, "no, you?" he asked me. "I don't have the time" I just said. "Well for a change I do but I wanna stay, I wanna try christmas in another country" Jake told me.

"I've always been in New york for christmas, my family is huge so I think they'll survive it this year without me" he told me. "If you don't have a place to go can you come to my place?" I asked him, he looked down at me. "I can't really say no to that," he smiled.

"But then you'll have to join me for the met gala" he told me. I looked up. "What?" I asked him, "I asked your boss to let you come," he nodded. "Why?" I asked him, "cause it would be fun, she's having someone make you a dress too, all if you would like of course?" he asked me.

"I don't know what to say" I just told him, "what about saying yes?" he smiled, "Jake it's really sweet but I'm not someone people will cheer for on the red carpet and-" "Please Avalanna, you're beautiful, you'll look good no matter what and it's a fun thing" he told me. "So?" he asked me, "alright, let's go to the met gala" I told him. "Great," he laughed. He pulled me into a side hug.

"Last day in the office" Alessandro, I was working on Jake's suit. He looked at me, "Davina just called me, said you're going to the met gala" he smiled. "I am" I nodded, "as a guest?" he asked me, " as a plus one" I nodded, "cool, we should get started on your dress and since Jake has a few diamonds on his jacket I think it would only suit you to have a full on diamond dress on" he said, "wait I-" "I'm in charge of you looking your best, let me" Alessandro said and left the room.

It was the last day before christmas break, I had a break until january second. I was going to stay in Florence since it was going to cost me so much to fly back to the states just to go back in a week.

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