London / We were livin' for each other.

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( important info in the end of this chapter!! Make sure to read it! Enjoy xx )

Avalanna carlson

"Oh my god" I said as I walked with Lambert inside the room. "This is the clothes for the music video?" I asked him, I saw red. "Yep" he smiled, "you're styling Harry today" he told me, "I'll do the other people, get to work" he smiled.

I walked outside and saw Harry in his first outfit. It was the red one with a red coat. I walked over, he looked over. "My favorite stylist," he told me, "don't tell Lambert I said that" he said. "Funny" I said, "here" I said. I gave him a pair of black leather gloves, and I gave him a black scarf around his neck. "Thank you for being here" Harry told me, I just smiled. "Go" I said, "I'll see you later baby" he whispered.

"Looks like this is going to take much longer" Harry said, he had a break from filming. "Isn't it always like this?" I asked him, "mmmh" he nodded. "Here" he said, "you know your way back to my place?" he asked me and handed me his car keys. "Yes" I said, "you've been up since five, go home and rest" he said. "You don't need more help here?" I asked him, "we only need a couple more shots, I'll be home in an hour" Harry said. "Okay" I said, "I'll see you later" I smiled, "bye baby" Harry smiled at me.

As I was driving towards Harry's house I was minding my own business, trying to remember that I needed to drive on the opposite side of the road. I was not used to it but I think I could manage the twenty minutes drive.

The light was green for me so I drove but my gut was telling me I should not have done it. A big push rushed through my body, it was only for a few seconds that I was thinking that this was it, something wrong was happening.

The next second I felt something wet run down my leg. Wet and warm, that was the feeling. My head was hurting and so was my neck. My body was sore and I could barely open my eyes from the tiredness. I just wanted to sleep. I opened my eyes but the sunlight was too sharp against my eyes.

"Oh my god! You're alright!" a person rushed over here, I looked out and saw another car against mine.. Or Harrys.

"It hurts.." I said, "I called an ambulance, hang in there, what's your name?" he asked me. "Avalanna" I said and looked down to reach for my phone. I couldn't reach it. "Help is on the way Avalanna" he told me, I nodded.

"I need you to call someone," I told the paramedics. "Yeah sure" the woman nodded, she was giving me something for the pain. "I'll tell them at the hospital, yeah?" she asked me, I nodded. "Now tell me where it hurts Avalanna?" she said, "my head hurts, leg and my stomach" I said. "What happened?" I asked her, "you were in a car accident, a drunk driver hit you" she said, "was he hurt?" I asked her.

"Yeah but nothing as serious as you" she said, "is it that bad?" I asked her. "No it's not bad but we need to check you, your car was hit pretty hard" she said. "It's not my car, oh my god" I said. "I ruined it" i said, "it was not your fault" she said, "who's car is it?" she asked me. "My boyfriends, oh my god" I whispered.

"I called your brother" the doctor said, "can I talk to him?" I asked her. "Sure but-" "I lost my phone in the car, I need to get him to call my boyfriend," I said. "Sure" she nodded and handed me the phone.

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