New York / Harryween night one.

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Avalanna Carlson

I was wearing a pair of Drew's sweatpants and one of his hoodies. I knew he was out running with Harry. Apparently they both liked to run in the morning. It was nine now. I was packing my bag when I heard the front door being opened.

Drew and Harry walked in, "good run?" I asked them. "Yeah," Harry nodded, "your brother showed me a good route," Harry said and took a seat at the table. "He's a runner," Drew said. I looked at the time. It was going to be a long day today, I just knew.

I walked with Lambert down the hallway, "I put the boots in the dressing room" I told him. "Great, what about the bow?" he asked me, "also in the dressing room" I added. "Great," he smiled, "do you have a costume for tonight?" he asked me. I was still wearing Drew's clothes. "Yes or kind of" I said. "It's really simple," I just told him. "Okay" he smiled.

I walked into the dressing room, Harry was in his rope. He saw me, "hey" he said. "Hey, exciting for tonight?" I asked him. It was already seven, we were a little behind on the schedule. I needed to do his hair and makeup. I already did the rest of the band.

Harry walked over to sit down in front of the mirror. "Yeah" he nodded, "where's your costume Ava?" he just asked me, "where's yours?" I came back. "It's hanging over there" he told me, "I'm not much of a costume person" I just said, "I made it simple" I just told him. "Well that's okay, I'm excited to see it" he told me.

I did his hair, "you did get told that you're wearing a bow in your hair, right?" I asked Harry while I finished his hair. "Yeah" he nodded, I just sprayed it a little with hairspray.

"What makeup do you want on?" I asked him, "I'm dressing up as a girl Ava, I want to look like a girl when I'm going to wear a dress" he smiled. I nodded, and I grabbed the mascara. "It's important to sit still now Harry, otherwise you'll get this in your eyes and it's not a nice feeling" I said, "okay" I heard him say. I applied the mascara, not too much but just enough to make it seen.

I grabbed a cream blush and a brush. I got a little closer to him. I applied a good amount on his cheeks, I needed to overdo it a little because of his costume.

"I saw a few fans outside, they're dressed up" I told Harry, he looked up at me. "This is fun, I've never had a show like this before" he told me, I nodded. "Maybe some of them are dressed up as you" I told him, "maybe" Harry nodded.

I saw Jeffrey and Lambert walk in, "look how pretty he's turning" I said. Jeffrey walked closer, "how are you feeling?" Jeffrey asked Harry. "The venue is filled" Lambert said, "I feel great" Harry said, "good, you should get in your outfit" Lambert told Harry. Harry got up, "I'll see you guys" he smiled and walked with Lambert.

Jeffrey turned to me, "where's your costume?" he asked me. "I'll go get into it" I told him, he nodded.

"Oh my god!" I heard, I looked over as I applied my lip balm. I saw Nellie walk into the dressing room. I was wearing a silk red shirt, with a pair of soft black shorts and a pair of black boots. I grabbed my devil headband and put it in.

"The devil" she smiled and pulled me into a hug, "I know right" I smiled and twirled for her. "You look smoking hot," Nellie told me. "Oh what about yourself?" I asked her, she was dressed as a witch. "Your local witch" she smiled and danced a little dance. "I'm so happy you're here" I smiled, "you look hot, I missed you" she smiled.

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