Denver / Getting along.

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Avalanna Carlson

"This is going to be so much fun, dress me up, give me a new style" Nellie told me as we walked through the mall we found here in Denver. We arrived this morning, we had all day off to do whatever we wanted and Nellie wanted new clothes and I wanted to help her.

"I'm so happy, you have a good style by the way" I told her. "Not as good as yours" Nellie smiled, "I'm not a dress girl, just so you know, I love jeans, but you can dress me up from that" Nellie said as we walked into the first store.

"How did you figure out you wanted to work as a stylist?" Nellie asked me as we walked around the mall. She already bought a few items that I helped her pick out. "Ehm..I've always been into clothes and fashion" I told her.

"And when I had to apply for college I found one where I could focus on that, and I've worked in the industry for almost two years now, I've worked hard for it all, really hard" I said.

"Explain?" she asked me, "well I went to college and on the side of that I worked for Gucci and Versace, then I got another one at Bode" I said. "I had no long breaks except for christmas and new years eve" I told her.

"Wow" Nellie said, "you're a pretty hard working woman" she told me, " I guess it's just all the expectations I've had on me, both of my parents has always wanted me to become something bigger and at first they didn't really believe being a stylist would work out, but I just had to prove that I could do it, everything I've done is so make them proud of me, I'm their youngest child" I said.

"You have siblings?" Nellie asked me, "yeah, a brother, his name is Drew, he's twenty nine" I said. "What does he do?" she asked me, "he's a lawyer" I told her.

"Okay listen.." Nellie said, "you don't really have to prove anything, if you want to be successful you'll be, working hard can concur that yes but everyone can be something" she told me. "All that matters is that you like what you do and that you're proud of it" Nellie told me. I just nodded, "thank you" I said.

"Oh you really did go on a big shopping spree," Lambert smiled as we walked into the bus, "she didn't really need it but she found some cute pieces" I said. "Show me" Lambert said, Nellie showed him a few pieces.

"You did a great job," Lambert told me. I looked over at him. "Huh?" I said, "with Harry's outfit, he was shining on that stage" he smiled. I didn't know what to say, "he liked it?" I asked him. "He loved it" he nodded, "he's more comfortable now than two years ago" Lambert told me, " I tend to put bright colours on him and he just... Looks great in everything" he told me. "It's like he can pull so much off" I nodded, "true, it makes our job easier though" he smiled.

I walked into the arena with Nellie, it was dinner time. As we walked into the cafeteria I spotted him for the first time. I've seen him outside and on stage but we haven't been this close before.

He was sitting with Mitch, Sarah and someone else from the band. I walked over with Nellie to get something to eat.

"Hey, we need to chat about tomorrow's fit," Lambert told me as he put his arm over my shoulder. "We do? Didn't you put it together today?" I asked him and walked with him over to a free table. He sat down beside me and opened his laptop, "I took a picture of it, yes, give me your thoughts" he said.

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