there are two feelings dancing in my stomach
bees and moths.
the bees—a high powered buzzing of
nervous excitement
like butterflies, but less pleasant.
the feeling of a fifty ft. rollercoaster drop, but this time there is no rail, no seatbelt, no safety guarantees
just an immense free fall—where your heart and stomach caress each other with flips, and the lightheaded-ness sets in as you come closer to the end.the moths are less exciting;
an oddly timed feeling of emptiness
where no matter how good your day,
at the first moment of loneliness
the moths began to eat away at your stomach lining,
burrowing their way deep inside.
and when they have successfully created a swiss-cheese pattern
they leave
allowing the emptiness to spill out,
mix with your blood
and reach your heart.the moths have eaten themselves free,
the bees have stung you to their death,
and you stomach becomes the graveyard of your excitement
and the birthplace of your emptiness.
the night the stars fell - poetry collection
PoetryPLEASE READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS this poetry collection includes themes and descriptions of: sexual violence/assault/harassment PTSD hallucinations depression anxiety self harm disordered eating in my experience feeling seen through works of writ...