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i was crazy before i met you,
but you made me so much worse.
i talked to myself daily ,
my three voices harmonized in my head,
my dreams were memories,
i could see each moment of my life re-played and re-played, 
it was all real to me.
but now none of it is innocent,
there is no coincidence in these thoughts,
you made me insane .
i wanted to rip out my hair,
i wanted to watch the blood spill out of me,
make designs with it on the floor.
i wanted to bite my hands so hard that they,
would bruise,
to press on bruises,
and rip open scabs.
i wanted to feel the insanity dancing in my brain, as something physical ,
something i could control,
and something you could see.
maybe after all of it,
you would feel guilty for your part in it?

the night  the stars fell - poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now