6. Gotta Catch 'Em All

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Jin's 1st Person POV

"Hi, Jin!" Madison perkily greets me as we both step out of our own cars, in the little parking lot, behind the back of the macaron shop. We happened to park right next to each other this late Friday morning.

"Hey, Madison. I thought you were going to be here at 7am with Luella to get as much of the Pokémon character macarons done for tomorrow's Pokémon event?" I question her while we both head towards the back entrance door.

"I switched with Irene since I was able to get an appointment with my gynecologist this morning." She informs me and I slightly grimace.

"Okay, TMI," I awkwardly voice out. And, she shakes her head at me.

"Maybe I should say I went and saw my vagina doctor? Is that better?" She jokes and laughs at me when she notices my eyes widen. "Oh my God, Jin. Your ears are red! Calm down! I had to cancel my original appointment on Monday and was able to get an appointment to see my doctor."

"Oh, okay," I plainly reply, opening the door and letting her enter the shop first. She giggles at me while I follow behind her, into the shop.

"Hey, Ladies!" Madison's voice booms out as she walks past Luella, Maria, and Irene. She and I head into the corner of the back of the shop where Luella and I decided to put small lockers for us and all of our employees to safely place our belongings into.

"Hey!" Irene waves at us.

"Morning, Madison! Morning, Jin!" Luella brightly greets us, pausing whatever piping work she is doing.

There's nothing better than hearing that woman's voice before starting work.

"Morning, to you all!" I answer back while I shove my messenger bag into my locker and click my combination lock shut. I scurry over to where Luella is standing. She's now looking completely focused on the macaron cookies that she's diligently working on. I look over her shoulder and notice that she's making a bunch of Jigglypuffs.*

"This look awesome, Lu," I genuinely praise her work. I admire how talented and precise she is when decorating these macaron cookies.

"Aww, thank you, Jinnie!" She gushes as she turns slightly to smile at me. And, of course I smile back at her gorgeous face. She looks away to grab something and hands me a pipe bag. "Since Maisie is handling the front, perfectly well on her own, and Madison just went up to the front to aid her, can you help make the bottom part of the Bulbasaur macarons?"

"It would be my pleasure," I tell her. It's hard to say no to this woman.

After about a half hour passes of Luella, Maria, Irene and I diligently making Pokémon macarons while lightly talking about random topics, such as the best Pokémon species or talking about 2NE1's surprise performance at Coachella. Luella brought it up, knowing I've had an insane celebrity crush on CL for years.

Madison comes strolling into the back from having been in the front of the shop. She grabs a stool and places it to sit on the left of Luella, while I have been standing on her right.

"It's a little slow up at the front so Maisie is fine up there by herself. I told her to call the back room if she needs me. Right now, let me help with some of these cookies! Oh, and Luella, how's it been going with Jimin?!" Madison speaks boisterously while getting a pipe bag ready to start piping Pikachu ears.

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