1. First Day of Treatment

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"Olivia?!" The nurse, Ana, calls out and my sister and I look up to the lady who gained our attention.

"That's you," I softly say to my sister, Olivia. We both get up from our seats, in the waiting room, and walk towards Ana. I can sense the nervousness radiating off Olivia.

"Good morning," we both say to Ana, and she greets us back with a comforting smile on her face. Then, the three of us head past the open doors and walk through the hallways of the cancer center.

We initially met Ana three weeks ago when Olivia had a consultation with her oncologist, Dr. Sejin. Ana has Olivia step on the scale to check her weight, as part of the routine, and I hold onto her bag so that Ana can get an accurate weight for Olivia.

Right after the weighing, we are lead into a small room where Dr. Sejin meets us a few minutes later. He discusses the blood work Olivia had to do a week ago, prior to her very first treatment, which is today. After a few minutes of talking about what Olivia would expect during her treatments, Ana leads us to a much larger room. When we first enter, there is a receptionist desk, where Ana walked us up and talks to the receptionist who's currently sitting at the desk. Ana helps us check in, and the receptionist, Lori, tells us to get seated in a couple of the many seats placed in the reception area of the giant space.

Once we are seated, Olivia starts to bounce her legs out of anxiety.

"Are you okay?" I question my sister in a whisper.

"I'm just so nervous," she admits to me and I grab her hand and gently squeeze it.

"Just take out your AirPods. Maybe listening to music will help calm your nerves." My suggestion makes her nod her head at me.

"You're right," she utters out as she releases her hand from my hold and she digs around inside her satchel in search of her AirPods. As soon as she fishes them out, she offers me one of her AirPods, which I accept. We pop in the AirPods and she starts one of her many playlists. This particular playlist is one she made for me, filled with artists that we both love.

As we are listening to the third song that goes on and she and I are occupied, looking at social media on our individual devices, we hear someone call out my sister's name. When we look up, we see a man who looks to be around my age. He's a tall man with a warm complexion, sharp eyes, and the most inviting smile ever.

"That's me," Olivia answers the eye-catching nurse.

"Okay, great. I will be your nurse during treatments. My name is Namjoon." The nurse introduces  himself to us.

Damn, if this man is going to be Olivia's nurse, then being here for five hours for each of her treatment days won't drag on too much if I have him to look at.

"Nice to meet you, Namjoon." They both shake hands. As soon as they let go of each other's hands, Olivia gestures over to me. "This is my sister, Luella. She will be keeping me company today."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Luella," Namjoon smiles and holds his hand out to me and I accept his handshake. I cannot help but notice his cute dimple prominently peeking out as he smiles at me.

"It's nice to meet you, too," I mutter out. I realize I held onto his hand longer than usual, so I awkwardly let go. The smirk he gives me doesn't go unnoticed but I lightly shake my head.

We are here for Olivia. I am going to not hit on this man even though I so badly want to.

"Let's go on ahead and start your treatment, Olivia. You two can follow me." Namjoon tells us as we both stand up from our seats.

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