42. In Portland

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Jimin's 1st Person POV

It's been a few days since we've been in Portland. Luella's dad, Tim, was finally discharged yesterday morning. We are all beyond relieved that he's doing well. The oncologist, who performed his surgery, said that his heart stopped during the procedure, which I'm sure shocked Luella and the rest of the family. But, I think we are just all grateful that he made it through the surgery, healthier than he was. Though, now, Tim is in the process of planning to go into some chemotherapy and radiology treatments soon. Now, Luella will not only have to worry about her sister, but her dad as well.

Luella, Cora, Olivia, Sonya and I rotated in visiting Tim in the hospital. There were many moments when it was just me and Tim, with everyone else busy- Cora having to work, although she does it from home. She considered taking her work at the hospital but she said she has to handle a lot of client alls which she knew would affect Tim's rest, so she keeps her work at their home. Luella, Olivia, and Sonya have been doing errands for Tim and Cora during the times I'm left to keep Tim company.

Tim and I would play card games or watch random action films on the hospital tv, making hilarious commentary to each other about outlandish action scenes. I also had many long conversations with him- dare I say heart-to-heart conversations with Tim.

Tim has shared with me how he regrets not being fully in his daughters' lives all these years. He's tried to do as much as he can by contributing to their college funds and even transferring them hefty amounts of money for birthdays and holidays. But, he still feels like he could've been a better parent by physically being present in their lives. He also mentioned how this whole health issue has been a wake up call for him. He told me how he's considering moving to Seattle to be closer to Luella and Olivia, now that he's reaching retirement. He's thinking hopefully after he finishes treatments and hoping he's healthy after that. He already mentioned it to Cora, who seems to be supportive of the idea, since she said she could take her work with her if they do decide to move to Washington.

I told him that Luella and Olivia would probably love him closer to them, because it's true. Luella has been telling me lately how her almost losing her dad during the surgery, made her realize that she needs to see him more often.

I hope that he moves for them, but it's ultimately his decision.

During my conversations with Tim, I have told him how I could see Luella in my life for the long term and he seems to be thrilled with the idea. He even offered the wedding ring his mom handed down to him. I honestly was emotional when he offered the ring, knowing full well that he trusts me and sees me with his daughter.

If only he knew about my open relationship with Luella. I feel guilty that she and I are seeing other people.

I was starting to welcome the idea of sleeping with other women, like Tianna. Especially since Luella is sleeping with others. But, after these few days, I only see one woman in my life, and it's Luella.

There's no one else for me.

Maybe, she and I will have to talk about our relationship soon.

Luella's 1st Person POV

"Okay, Dalmi. We will try to visit you all soon...I know Jimin misses spending time with Jake and Hannah...our flight home is Sunday morning...awww thanks, I'm glad my dad is doing well, too. And, Jimin has been amazing helping my dad with anything he needs and keeping him company at the hospital and now at home. My dad seems to love talking to Jimin. They've had a lot of moments this week where they would talk for hours...he is such a caring person...oh, okay, I'll let you go, I can hear Hannah crying, probably begging for her mom...goodnight Dalmi!"

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