50. Unexpected Encounter

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A/N: Triple update! Make sure to read the previous chapter first and the epilogue after!

Luella's 1st Person POV

"Order 69! Kimchi bulgogi sandwich and dalgona iced coffee!" The woman behind the counter calls out and I get up from the small table, I'm occupying, to claim my order. I leave my belongings at the table since it's super close to the pick-up counter. As I pick up my tray containing my sandwich and coffee, I briefly look up in the direction of where someone is ordering at the cash register closest to me and my eyes widen when I see that it's Yoongi.

And, of course the moment I look at him is when he turns to look up at me after grabbing his receipt from the cashier. He looks just as surprised as I am. I awkwardly just nod and walk back to my table with my tray.

I know Yoongi got back from his tour with his band about a couple months ago, which was about a month after Jimin and I decided to only be with each other.

I haven't really tried to reach out to Yoongi because I figured he didn't want anything to do with me after that infamous party.

"Luella," I hear my name right before I was about to pick up my sandwich. I look up to see Yoongi standing on the other side of my table.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asks as he points at the vacant chair across from me.

"Sure." I meekly say and he sits down.

"How are you?" He says as he gets comfortable in his chair.

"I'm okay. Just on my lunch break. How about you. How was the tour?" I keep my answer short because I'm not sure if he really cares to hear all the details of my life. Plus, I'm honestly curious to hear how he's doing.

"It went really well. One of the bands we were on tour with had to deal with someone breaking into their trailer. That was the only main issue. We had a lot of fans show up so that was awesome. And, now I'm back and we are gearing up to record our next album. I've also been given the task to produce a song for this band from South Korea called the Rose."

"That's great, Yoongi. I'm really glad that everything is going well with your music and producing." I meant every word. As much as we haven't been in good terms, I still hope for the best when it comes to the person I've called a best friend for years.

"Lu...I just want to say that I've had a lot of time to think about our friendship. I don't want to lose you as a friend. I actually heard from Madison that you've been in a committed relationship."

"Oh, she told you?" I'm surprised. She never mentioned anything. But, then again, she's made it a point not to bring him up around me since I have been sensitive about feeling like I've lost him as a friend. But, now hearing him say that he wants us to be friends again makes me feel beyond relieved.

I missed my friend.

"The topic just came up when the band had dinner at hers and Christian's place about a month ago. Omar's girlfriend asked about you and she said how you guys are gearing up to open a new macaron shop location and that you've been seeing someone and trying out a committed relationship."

"Yes," I awkwardly confirm, not sure what else to say. I don't know what Yoongi thinks of me being in a committed relationship now. The last time we talked, I told him how I didn't ever see myself in a monogamous relationship when he asked me to consider it with him. And, now here I am doing exactly what I said I wouldn't do, with someone else.

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