12. Right Under Your Nose

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"Oh, Jimin," I whimper out as he's on top of me, leaving wet kisses and nipping on my neck while he ploughs into me with the perfect amount of force. I moan while my nails dig into his shoulder blades. I focus on how amazing he feels, penetrating me while his plump lips devour the side of my neck.

"Oh, fuck yes," he growls out, and after a couple more thrusts, he groans out as he releases inside of me. His face, that was buried in my shoulder, moves so that he could place his soft lips onto mine. He sweetly kisses me then after a moment of us just reveling in the way our lips feel against each other, he pulls out of me and gets off the bed.

I watch Jimin as he walks over to my en-suite bathroom. I admire his perfect ass as he struts away. He disappears into the bathroom, discarding of the condom he had on. A minute later, he's back in bed. I had turned on the tv, trying to find something to watch.

"What are you planning on watching?" Jimin asks as he rests his head on my chest and gently places his hand on my stomach. He starts to draw random patterns on my skin with one of his fingertips.

"I'm not sure, just scrolling through Netflix and looking at all my options," I answer back above a whisper, my voice sounding a bit exhausted. One of my hands has the remote, while my other hand is now raking through Jimin's unbelievably soft hair.

"Well, I have to leave soon. I don't want to overstay my welcome. But before I go...I was wondering if you're free to do something this weekend?" He asks, staring up at me as if he's eager to hear my answer.

"I usually have Sundays off but I switched with the other co-owner, Jin, since he needed Sunday off, so I'm off on Saturday. What exactly do you have in mind?" I ask, no longer caring about what I want to put on the tv. My attention is fully on Jimin. I'm curious to hear what he is planning for us if I do agree to spend time with him over the weekend.

"I had a couple ideas. I was thinking either going to the Woodland Park Zoo or a drive-in movie. Possibly, we could do both?" He reveals his plans all while a smile is clear on his face.

"You want to spend the whole day with me?" I question him while I teasingly wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"I do, Luella. I want to spend more time with you and take you on a date. A long date, so I can be around you for much longer." He smirks at me as he moves his body up higher. Then, he moves his face and he playfully pushes his nose onto my cheek, making me nervously giggle.

"Um, a date?" My voice comes out shaky.

"Yes. I've just been enjoying getting to know you and I want to see you again." Jimin sounds so sincere.

I'm not sure how I feel right now. I really enjoy being around Jimin and getting to know him. But, I don't want to lead him on by accepting this date. I don't consider the other times we've met up to be dates, but more so just time spent between friends...who fuck.

Can you blame me? I can't resist Jimin and the way he makes my body feel so fucking good.

"Jimin. I told you I'm not looking for anything serious. I don't want you to think this date will lead into something like a relationship. I just can't ever see myself in that kind of commitment." I just need to be straightforward with him.

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