29. Food Convention

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Luella's 1st Person POV

"I talked to JB and Maisie yesterday, and they said they were all set to drive down to Portland super early, tomorrow morning. Are you and Madison all set to go, as well?" Jin asks then he slurps up some broth from his pho bowl. We decided to go to a pho place near our shop for lunch.

I watch as he chews a mouthful of brisket and rice noodles and I don't know why, but I always admire the way his face looks when he's savoring food. Then my eyes drift to his pillowy lips.

Okay, Luella, get a hold of yourself and stop staring at Jin's lips!

I quickly look away from his lips and force my eyes to look at my bowl of pho. I pick up a piece of rare steak with my chopsticks and place it in my mouth. I slowly chew, trying to will away any inappropriate thoughts I was about to have of the man sitting across the table from me.

"Yes, I packed most everything I need to take with me minus a few last minute things that I plan on adding in my carry-on tomorrow morning. Madison said she's done most of her packing, too." I share with my business partner, now finally looking up at him.

"I'm glad to hear that," he simply replies with a warm smile that causes me to smile back.

"I wish you were able to join us for the convention," I honestly tell him. I know he loves going to these type of events but he has gone to the last major one and he insisted I go this time because he knew I'd get a lot out of it.

"Oh, I know, me, too. But, one of us has to man the shop and I was able to go to that expo in Los Angeles. And, at least you have Madison with you, now, along with JB and Maisie. It'll be a great experience! You'll get our business some more exposure out there, and with all the panels you said you're planning on checking out, you'll learn a lot which will be great for our business." He spouts out and takes a huge bite out of a spring roll.

"That's true. I'm looking forward to it all. I'm glad I'll have Maisie and JB to run our booth in the main hall. And, I'm also glad Madison ended up being able to go with me to check out all the different panels." I say, with sincere excitement in my tone.

"Me, too. I'm excited for you guys. Anyway, I'm going to change the subject briefly, then we can go back to talking about your itinerary in Portland. My cousin, Inna, has her wedding coming up in a month. And, I was wondering...would you be my date?" There's hopefulness in his eyes as he gazes at me.

"Really?" I say, with my eyes slightly wide.

"I mean, you don't have to. I know weddings aren't your thing, Lu. They aren't my cup of tea, either. So, I figured that, if I brought good company, it would make the event less dreadful." His reason makes complete sense.

"Actually, I get that, Jin. I'll go with you, then." I accept as I nod.

"Great! I'll give you more details when you get back from Portland," he says to me and we both take bites of our food.


It's our second day in Portland, Oregon. Yesterday, Madison and I flew in and arrived around 9am. We considered driving, but since we had the miles, we opted to take a plane. At around 11am, we made it to the convention center and met up with JB and Maisie. I was originally going to drive but Jin suggested JB drive the company delivery van, to carry all the booth decorations, merchandise, and macaron samples. We also assigned Maisie to join and be part of the customer service team, with JB, for our booth in the main hall of the convention center.

I was relieved to see all the pastel decor looking perfect around our booth. JB and Maisie displayed macaron samples perfectly, while the extras were stored away in the back of the booth, in order to stay fresh through out the day. They also set up all our T-shirts and enamel pins, boba plushies and macaron pillows that we have available as merch. Madison and I checked the booth out from time to time, pleased to see a lot of people visiting and showing interest in our shop and purchasing a lot of merchandise and trying the macarons.

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