30. Let Go

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Luella's 1st Person POV

Well, here I am, on a Friday night, entering the home of one of Yoongi's bandmates, Hunter. My sister and her girlfriend decided to come with me since they are also good friends with Yoongi and they happen to have other friends in attendance.

Yoongi and Christian's band, Nerves, is leaving for their longest tour to date. And, tonight is a party to celebrate before they hit the road. It was originally going to be held at Madison and Christian's apartment, but Hunter and his girlfriend, Shayla, suggested having it at their condo since there's more space.

Olivia, Sonya, and I walk through the front door and enter the sizable living room that has a good amount of people scattered about, mingling with each other. Before I could spot her, I hear Madison yelling my name.

"LUELLA, OLIVIA, SONYA! YOU GUYS MADE IT! COME HERE!" My eyes move to a corner where I see Madison with her arms wide open as if waiting for us to head over to give her hugs. Christian, Yoongi and a couple of their friends have been congregated in that same corner.

I swiftly approach Madison and we hug each other as if we hadn't seen each other in years. In reality, I just saw her in the macaron shop this morning.

As we let go of each other, I notice Yoongi walking away from the rest of the group in the corner we are all standing in. It rubbed me the wrong way because it's clear as day that he's purposely avoiding me. I really hope he's not going to be like this all night.

As much as our last encounter wasn't a fond memory, I want to talk to him. I don't like how it's been with us and I don't want any bad blood between us, especially since he'll be gone for two months. He's my best friend and it honestly breaks me to think that he seems to want to sever our friendship. I want to salvage what we have and make amends.


It's a half hour into the party. I've mostly been hanging out with Madison and Yvonne, the girlfriend of Nerve's drummer, Omar. Olivia and Sonya have been checking in with me a couple times but have also been off mingling with other friends they know.

My beer bottle is now currently empty, so I head over to the kitchen to toss the bottle into the recycling bin and grab another bottle of Blue Moon.

As I was heading to one of the coolers in the corner of the kitchen, by the little laundry room, I see Yoongi, with his back facing me. He looks as if he's deciding on what beer to grab. I take a deep breath and decide to take this opportunity to approach him.

"Hey, um...Yoongi," I awkwardly say as I'm now standing behind him.

Yoongi turns around and when he connects eyes with me, his expression turns into something unreadable.

"Luella," he merely says with little emotion in his voice.

"Can we talk?" I ask him, completely nervous that he'll turn me down and just walk away.

"Right now? There are people all over the place. And, I'm not sure this is a good time," he answers me with slight irritation in his voice and my heart drops because of all the years we've known each other it's never been like this between us. But, these past couple of interactions with him have been rough.

I gently grab his wrist and pull him inside the laundry room, not fully closing the door all the way.

"When will we be able to talk about us? You're leaving for tour on Sunday." I say in a hushed tone as I look pleadingly into his stern eyes.

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