14. Drinking Buddies

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Luella's 1st Person POV

I tap Yoongi's shoulder, prompting him to turn his head in my direction. He looks up at me from where he's sitting, with a gentle smile on his face, and quickly gets up. He opens his arms out and I let myself get into his embrace.

I've always found comfort in Yoongi's hugs.

"Hey, Yoongi," I softly say while our arms are now wrapped around each other and the side of my face is against his chest.

"Hey, Luella," he answers back in his deep, soothing voice. I pull apart from the hug and walk over to the chair on the other side of the table. I survey the pitcher of beer, and two glasses. One is half full and the other one is empty, right in front of me.

"I took the liberty of ordering us a pitcher of beer. Thought I'd wait to order the food so it would be fresh for both of us," Yoongi shares with me and I flash my teeth at him, not able to keep myself from smiling at him.

"Thanks, Yoongi. You know how much I want my fried food hot." I beam at him.

"I know you well, Lu," he smiles back at me. Before either of us can say anything more, a waiter comes up to our table, asking us if we wanted to order any food. Yoongi takes it upon himself to order us cheesy potato skins, mozzarella sticks and onion rings. Before the waiter walks away, I stop him to add two shots up gummy bear shots.*

"Why do you always have to order gummy bear shots when one of us goes through a tough time?" Yoongi says as he shakes his head, following it with a light chuckle.

"Because, it's tradition! Whenever one of us asks for the other to meet up after something like a break up, we have gummy bear shots!" I place his shot on the table, in front of him.

"You seem to be the only one that likes that fruity shit." Yoongi mutters as he looks at the shot with disdain.

"Fine, then I'll drink both shots!" I spout out in an annoyed tone as I try to take back the shot I offered him. But, he gently swats my hand away.

"Nope, I'm drinking with you." He grins as he grabs hold of his shot.

"Okay, then why complain in the first place?" I ask him with a furrowed brow as I hold mine up.

"Because, I'd rather have a tequila shot," he answers back as he holds up his shot.

"Then I'll order two shots of tequila when the waiter comes back!" I announce in an exuberant manner. I want Yoongi to just not think about anything depressing like his broken relationship with Erika. I just want us to have a good night.

"You don't have to work early tomorrow?" He questions me.

"Nope, I go into the shop at noon tomorrow. So, we are getting wasted, Yoongz. Cheers to new beginnings!" I announce and he and I clink our shot glasses against each other and we both take down the alcohol and we slam our now empty shot glasses down on the table. Yoongi scrunches his face because of the sweetness of the shot and I laugh at him.

He pours me a glass of beer and fills his glass back up. We hold up our beer..

"Cheers to our friendship!" He heartily says, and the two of us chug down our beer.

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